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Age UK responds to Ofgem's energy price cap announcement

Published on 27 February 2023 10:00 AM

Caroline Abrahams, Charity Director at Age UK, said: “Despite today's announcement and the fact that wholesale energy prices are reported to be falling, we seem to be in the absurd position in which older people will face considerably higher bills come April. This will be distressing & alarming for those on low and modest incomes, who are already struggling to make ends meet.


“We urge the Government to maintain its energy support beyond April at a level which avoids a further hike in bills, a rise which is hard to understand & even harder to forgive if you're an older person who has already been forced to cut your spending on essentials to the bone. Longer term the Government should introduce an energy social tariff so that older people no longer feel forced to self-disconnect or live in cold homes due to the fear of huge bills.”

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Last updated: Feb 27 2023

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