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Age UK responds to reports that PM is no longer committed to the triple lock

Published on 18 October 2022 01:30 PM

Caroline Abrahams, Charity Director at Age UK, said: “The Conservative party made a manifesto promise to uphold the triple lock & the Prime Minister restated her commitment to it, in the clearest possible terms, during the summer and most recently within the last few days. If she reneges on it now it will be a betrayal of our older population, and hurt those on low and modest incomes the most. Let’s be clear, anything less than the triple lock would mean a real terms cut in the State Pension, which is only worth on average about £9000 anyway, yet comprises the bulk of the income for most older people in our country. 

"Many older people are already deeply apprehensive about how they will get through the winter as prices continue to soar, so any decision to break the triple lock promise would be a huge blow. When Age UK asked older people this summer what their top priority was for our new PM they chose the triple lock and by a considerable margin, so if the Government breaks it, it will undoubtedly be viewed by many as a breach of faith."

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