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Age UK's comment on transgender people and later life

By: Age UK
Published on 13 August 2018 11:00 PM

Caroline Abrahams, Charity Director at Age UK said: “For a significant but unknown number of older people in our society the revolution we are seeing in public attitudes is immensely meaningful, and they deserve our full support and respect. Many will have felt the need to conceal or suppress this crucial part of their identity all their lives, for fear of discrimination, ridicule or abuse, so this cultural change is both wonderful and long overdue - it potentially offers these older people the opportunity to be truly themselves at last.

"The last thing they need now is to be subject to ageism: they are entitled to exactly the same access to advice, information, support and NHS treatment as everyone else to help them make the best decisions for themselves about their identities and about whether they wish to seek gender re-assignment and indeed go ahead with it. Age must not be a barrier in any of these respects.

“The consultation on the Gender Recognition Act is thoroughly welcome because it asks questions about how society can provide greater support to anyone wishing to change gender, as well as greater protections. This is as important for older people as for everyone else.

"Age UK has produced a factsheet on transgender issues, one of over 50 factsheets we offer overall . All our factsheets are regularly updated to ensure they cover and include the most current and relevant information. Anyone wishing to find out more can visit:

Transgender issues and later life factsheet

Alternatively they can call our Information and Advice line on 0800 169 6565.”

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Last updated: Feb 18 2022

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