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Lionel Blair gets dancing to Spread the Warmth

Published on 12 January 2011 02:30 PM

Lionel Blair dusts off his dancing shoes to spread the warmth to older people this winter

As the January blues grip the nation, Lionel Blair has dusted off his dancing shoes and joined forces with Age UK to spread the warmth this winter.

Lionel's Wheel of Warmth encourages everyone to carry out simple acts of kindness, helping each other through what can be the toughest months of the year.

People are being urged to spin Lionel's Wheel of Warmth to find an act of kindness that will cheer up someone else's day. As some studies suggest that people known for good deeds are more often chosen as partners, and that charitable acts help perk you up too, when could there be a better time to give the wheel a spin?

Be it donating some unwanted clothes to an Age UK shop, giving up your seat when travelling to work or checking that older friends and relatives are aware of a cold snap that is forecast, people can help spread the warmth to others, whilst giving themselves a satisfied glow.

Available on the Charity's website at, Lionel's Wheel of Warmth is part of Age UK's Spread the Warmth campaign, which is helping over 350,000 older people live safer, healthier, more fulfilling lives this winter.

Lionel said: 'January can be pretty chilly but it doesn't have to be a miserable month. A good deed always puts an extra spring in my step. Spin my wheel to get an act of kindness that will warm up your winter - and help Age UK break the ice for older people.'

Paul Farthing, Fundraising Director at Age UK, said: 'There's a serious message behind this fun campaign. Too many older people are suffering and dying needlessly in winter due to lack of warmth. By spreading the warmth through acts of kindness, we hope to draw people's attention to the dangers that the cold weather brings to older people across the country.'

Inspiration on how to help people can be found by spinning Lionel's wheel at More information on how the Charity is supporting older people through the winter months can also be found at the site.

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For more information, pictures, or to speak to an older person affected by the cold weather, please call Katie Rispin on 020 8765 7452 or email

Notes to Editors

References to research

  • Dunn, Elizabeth W., Lara B. Aknin, and Michael I. Norton (2008). Spending Money on Others Promotes Happiness. Science 319: 1687-1688.
  • Hardy, C.L., & Van Vugt, M. (2006). Nice guys finish first: The competitive altruism hypothesis. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 32: 1402-1413.

About Spread the Warmth

Age UK and its local and national partners are making winter warmer by providing advice, support and practical services to help older people overcome issues with heating, health and human contact during the colder winter months. The Charity offers practical and effective advice and support on everything from installing draft excluders and grab rails, to checking electric blanket wiring and claiming the benefits available to them.

Older people and their families can call Age UK Advice for free information and support on 0800 169 65 65, where they can also find out about the help and support available locally and order a free copy of ‘Winter Wrapped Up', a guide sponsored by British Gas. Alternatively they can visit to download the guide and get more information on Age UK in their area.

About Age UK

Age UK works in partnership with Age Scotland, Age Cymru and Age NI. For media enquiries relating to Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland please contact the appropriate national office: Age Scotland on 0131 668 8055, Age Cymru on 029 2043 1562 and Age NI on 028 9024 5729.

Age UK is inspired by the belief that it can improve the lives of people in later life. It celebrates ageing and believes it presents unprecedented opportunities and challenges at home and abroad. Age UK will challenge ageist prejudice in society, provide services that address market failures and support the public and private sectors to design age-friendly products and services. It will support people to remain in their own homes through campaigning and practical services and its Information and Advice service will offer millions of people support on a range of issues from claiming benefits to staying fit and healthy.

Age UK will fund biomedical research that helps tackle the ill health and poor quality of life that are too common as people age. Working with over 350 partners across the country, Age UK helps influence local decisions and delivers the most appropriate services. Its network of over 475 shops will act as a focal point for the local community, providing information and help with local services. Age UK works across the globe as well as in the UK, with its international partner, Help Age International, championing older people's rights and needs and as an active member of the DEC.

Photo caption

Lionel Blair dusted off his dancing shoes at the Southbank in London yesterday to launch the Wheel of Warmth, a new online game from Age UK that generates kind acts that people can do to help spread the warmth to older people this winter. Lionel is urging people to visit to spin the Wheel. Each spin will suggest a different way for people to do a good deed.

Lionel's Wheel of Warmth is part of Age UK's Spread the Warmth campaign, which is helping over 350,000 older people live safer, healthier more fulfilling lives this winter.

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Lionel at the Southbank image 2 (jpg, 111 KB)opens link in new window

Lionel at the Southbank image 3 (jpg, 105 KB)opens link in new window

Media contact: Katie Rispin
Telephone: 020 8765 7452
Out-of-hours: 07970 065681

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