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Green Deal risks leaving fuel-poor households worse off, says Age UK

Published on 02 November 2010 09:30 AM

Replacing Warm Front with Green Deal risks leaving fuel-poor households worse off, says Age UK

Commenting on Chris Huhne's announcement on the Green Deal, Michelle Mitchell, Charity Director at Age UK, said:

'With growing numbers of people slipping into fuel poverty - including an estimated 3.5 million over-65s - making the nation's housing stock more energy efficient is rightly at the heart of the Government's energy programme. Yet, cutting Warm Front funding to a third of its current level to pave the way for the Green Deal risks leaving many households in fuel poverty worse off.

'While the Green Deal's principle of repaying insulation costs through energy efficiency savings is likely to benefit mid and high income households, there remains a big question mark over whether it will work for those in fuel poverty. People who have been cutting back on heating for fear of clocking up huge energy bills will be likely to use savings from better insulation to heat their homes to a more comfortable level.

'To help alleviate the needless suffering faced by many older people in winter, Age UK has launched its new Spread the Warmth campaign. We want to let as many people in later life as possible know that Age UK can help by providing advice, support and practical services to cope with issues like heating, health and human contact. For more information call 0800 169 87 87 or visit'

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Notes to Editors

Spread the Warmth

  • Older people and their families can call Age UK Advice for free information and support on 0800 169 65 65, where they can also order a free copy of ‘Winter Wrapped Up', a guide sponsored by British Gas. Alternatively they can visit to download the guide and get more information. To find out about the help and support available locally, people should phone or visit their local Age UK or Age Concern - details of which can be found by calling 0800 169 87 87 or by visiting
  • There are lots of ways to help Age UK Spread the Warmth this winter. People can make a donation simply by calling 0800 169 87 87 or visiting They can also download a copy of The Choirgirl Isabel's Christmas single ‘You are not Alone' from Monday 13 December. Or people could de-clutter their wardrobe for a good cause. There are more than 500 Age UK high street shops across the country that would be delighted to receive once-loved quality clothing, accessories, home wares, CDs and books for someone else to love again.

Age UK is the new force combining Age Concern and Help the Aged. The Age UK family includes Age Scotland, Age Cymru and Age NI.

Media contact: Stefano Gelmini
Telephone: 020 8765 7514
Out-of-hours: 07071 243 243

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