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Age UK response to adult social care consultation

Published on 31 March 2011 02:30 PM

Age UK response to the Law Commission's analysis of responses to adult social care consultation

In response to the Law Commission's analysis of the responses to its consultation on adult social care, Michelle Mitchell, Charity Director at Age UK, said:

'It is no surprise that there is overwhelming support for the Law Commission's plans to introduce a single piece of social care legislation, which has the potential to cut through the current confused and tangled web of social care law. This would make it much easier for older people to defend their rights, and perhaps more importantly, would make it less likely that those rights would be infringed in the first place.

'The important thing about the proposals is that they retain and clarify local authority duties to treat people who need care services as individuals and to take account of individual needs and aspirations. Age UK strongly supports this approach.'

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