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Age UK HandyVan stolen – can you help?

Published on 13 August 2010 01:30 PM

Age UK HandyVan stolen in New Ash Green - can you help?

An Age UK HandyVan vehicle, one of a number of vehicles that is used to support 250 people in later life each month in Kent, was stolen in New Ash Green during the night of Tuesday 10th / Wednesday 11th August. Age UK, the new force combining Age Concern and Help the Aged, is calling for your help to recover the van and is warning people to check the ID of any tradesperson coming to your door.

The van provided an invaluable service to local people, enabling HandyVan fitters to visit older people and provide free door and window locks, spy holes, smoke alarms and do other small DIY jobs for people aged over 60. Age UK is urging anyone who sees the white, Age UK branded van, which is a Vauxhall Vivaro and has the registration number EY06 YVM, to contact their local police.

Helena Herklots, Services Director at Age UK, said: "We were shocked to learn that our HandyVan vehicle had been stolen. The HandyVan Scheme provides a vital service for older people across Kent, helping them to feel secure and continue to live independently in their own homes.

"We would advise anyone to check the ID of any tradesperson and examine it carefully. Don't be afraid to contact the organisation they say they are from, or ask them to call back at a later date when someone will be with you."

For further details about Age UK and the charity's free HandyVan service, please contact 0845 026 1055 or visit

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Notes for Editors

1. For more information, please call Lizzie Webster in the Age UK Media Team on 0208 765 7516 or email

2. Age UK is the new force combining Age Concern and Help the Aged. The Age UK family includes Age Scotland, Age Cymru and Age NI.

Media contact: Lizzie Webster
Tel: 0208 765 7516 

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