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Older People's Minister called for

Published on 30 September 2013 12:00 PM

Leading charities have called on the Government to take action to meet the needs of an ageing population, after a...

Pension age 'not linked to death'

Published on 26 September 2013 11:30 AM

The age at which a worker retires has no bearing on how long they will live afterwards, researchers have claimed.    ...

Miliband issues energy prices warning

Published on 25 September 2013 10:30 AM

Consumers could soon see energy firms as 'part of the problem' rather than the solution if they refuse to work with...

Retirement not a priority for savers

Published on 24 September 2013 02:00 PM

A survey by lending service Zopa shows that 36% of workers are budgeting for a trip away, compared with just 26%...


Last updated: Dec 05 2018

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