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Smoking 'threat to mental health'

Published on 26 November 2012 11:30 AM

Mental decline speeds up in people aged over 50 who have high blood pressure and who smoke, a study suggests. Tests...

'Lack of dignity' in care system

Published on 23 November 2012 11:30 AM

A tenth of NHS hospitals do not meet basic respect and dignity standards, a report into the country's care system has...

Cold homes cost NHS £1.36 billion

Published on 22 November 2012 12:01 AM

But Age UK says improving energy efficiency could help save lives and money. Cold homes are costing the NHS in...

Energy tariff hope for the poorest

Published on 20 November 2012 11:30 AM

The Government is proposing to order energy providers to streamline their tariffs to ensure that customers are...


Last updated: Dec 05 2018

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