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People needed for Parkinson's study

Published on 16 April 2012 10:30 AM

People who have been newly diagnosed with Parkinson's are being sought by a charity to help with the biggest ever study into the disease.

The study seeks to discover more about the illness, and help develop simple tests for diagnosis. Carried out by Parkinson's UK, the study could improve the chances of finding a cure.

An early diagnosis is vital if doctors are to be able to prescribe the right drugs for people with Parkinson's, in order to control the tremors, movement problems, anxiety, memory lapses and digestion problems associated with the illness.

Researchers need 3,000 people, made up of those who have been diagnosed within the past three years, and those aged under 50 when they found out they had the illness, and their siblings.

The study will be the biggest into the cause of Parkinson's yet, costing more than £1.6 million.

It hopes to pave the way for the development of simple tests for diagnosis. Researchers are aiming to do this by identifying elusive biomarkers for Parkinson's, such as signpost indicators in the blood.

The research, led by Dr Donald Grosset from the University of Glasgow, will coincide with the start of Parkinson's Awareness Week. The team will monitor participants' symptoms for up to five years.

The research will eventually link to around 50 centres around the UK.

Copyright Press Association 2012


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