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Older workers at risk of redundancy, says Age UK

Published on 16 April 2013 11:30 PM

A new analysis of job figures by Age UK has shown that older workers are both more at risk of redundancy and find it harder to find a job when unemployed than most workers.


Age UK's study of ONS Labour Market statistics shows that people over the age of 50 are more likely to be made redundant than workers aged 24-50. This has been the case in every quarter since 2011.

The study shows that for the last quarter of 2012, 6.6 people aged over 50 were laid off for every thousand in work in the previous three months. This compares with 5.1 workers aged 35-49 and 5.2 aged between 25 and 34.

Workers aged 16-24 year olds were slightly more at risk, with 7 people made redundant for every thousand workers, but they were more likely to quickly find work again

Once unemployed, the figures show that only 23% of workers aged 50 or over were back in work by the next quarter. This compares with over 35% of 35-49 year olds, almost 40% of 25-34 year olds and 34% of 16-24 year olds.

Age UK's analysis is announced as the latest UK jobs figures are published.

'Older workers are being hit particularly hard'

Michelle Mitchell, Charity Director General of Age UK, said,

'The combination of the difficult economic climate and age discrimination in the workplace is hitting older workers particularly hard.

'It's important to remember that the high redundancy figures include people who are being forced to give up their jobs, and is not just made up of people voluntarily taking redundancy.

'This is more proof that unemployed older workers find it tougher than people in any other age group to get back into work.

'With the rising State Pension age meaning many people will need to work longer coupled with our ageing population, it is more critical than ever that the Government and employers take steps to stamp out discrimination in recruitment and in the workplace.

'Older people must be able to continue to contribute to the economy by working for as long as they wish.'

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