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Misleading missed delivery cards posted through letterboxes

Published on 06 August 2017 11:01 PM

Action Fraud is warning about ‘something for you' cards arriving through letterboxes designed to look like they have come from Royal Mail.

The cards which lack the Royal Mail logo look almost identical to the ‘something for you' slips that are posted through homes when a delivery can't be made.

To organise a redelivery the cards urge recipients to call a 0208 number, which is not registered to Royal Mail. After ringing the number the automated message asks for your details and consignment number.

A Royal Mail spokesperson told the Express: 'The Royal Mail security team is looking into this incident as a matter of urgency. Customers should check delivery cards very carefully to ensure they are genuine, and remain vigilant. Although this card is similar to one of our Something For You cards, the Royal Mail logo is crucially missing.'

'Customers should also consider whether they are expecting a delivery from the company named on the card.'

  • Whilst Action Fraud has not received any reports at present, missed delivery cards have been around for a while and come in different formats.
  • If in doubt, do not call the number provided, do not give your card details or personal information  - and contact Action Fraud.
  • Real Royal Mail ‘something for you' cards look like this.

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Last updated: Dec 05 2018

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