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Help Age UK to be Fujitsu's charity of the year

Published on 21 July 2014 10:30 AM

We're asking Fujitsu employees to vote for us as their charity of the year.


Technology company Fujitsu UK have shortlisted Age UK to be their next Charity of the Year.

If Age UK is successful the partnership could help us reach thousands more older people, giving them the information and support they need to make the most of later life.
Age UK is one of five shortlisted charities and from 21 July to 8 August Fujitsu staff in the UK are given the opportunity to vote for the cause they would like to support.
Hannorah Lee, Head of Corporate Partnerships at Age UK says ‘This could be a massive opportunity for our charity. But we can only win if Fujitsu staff vote for us.

'So if you know anyone who works for Fujitsu, please ask them to remember the older people they love and vote for Age UK.'
Fujitsu staff can vote for Age UK through their UK intranet, where they can also watch our film to find out about the difference they can make to the lives of lonely older people.

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