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Checks needed on some metal hip implants

Published on 01 March 2012 11:30 AM

Certain metal-on-metal hip implants could cause health problems, it has emerged.

The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has advised that people with these implants should have annual checks as they have been linked to muscle and bone damage and neurological issues.

It has been revealed that small metal ions made up of cobalt and chromium could break off from the implants and leak into the blood.

The MHRA warns that people who have had hip replacements fitted with a head diameter of 36mm or more will need to have the metal ion level in their blood checked every year.

Those with symptoms that suggests that damage has been caused by these hip replacements will need yearly MRI scans, while those whose ion blood levels have risen will also need to undergo scans.

The MHRA guidance went on to reveal that of the 49,000 patients, around 10,000 people with DePuy ASR implants will need both annual blood tests and MRI scans.

Copyright Press Association 2012

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