Brush up on your online security for Safer Internet Day
Published on 05 February 2013 12:01 AM
To mark Safer Internet Day 2013, Age UK is encouraging older people to brush up on their knowledge of internet security to ensure they stay safe online.
February 5 is Safer Internet Day 2013. Starting as an iniative of the EU SafeBorders project in 2004 and taken up by the Insafe network the following year, Safer Internet Day
is now celebrated in more than 90 countries worldwide, and across 6 of the world's seven continents.
From cyberbullying to social networking, each year Insafe aims to be at the forefront of emerging online issues and chooses a topic reflecting current concerns. This year's theme is online rights and responsibilities.
Commenting on Safer Internet Day, David Mortimer, Head of Digital Inclusion at Age UK, said: 'We hear from some older people that fear of online fraud can raise concerns about using the internet. However, whilst people should show caution when online, it should not be a reason not to enjoy the wide-ranging benefits that the internet can offer, such as keeping in touch with loved ones.
'People should remain vigilant about safety when online in the same way that they would do in their everyday lives. For example, most people wouldn't open their front door and invite a stranger into their home so it makes sense not to open an email from a stranger.
'Age UK has a range of information about staying safe online, including the Staying Safe Online leaflet, which is designed for people with all levels of experience. To get a copy of Age UK's Staying Safe Online leaflet call 0800 169 65 65 or visit'
Download our guide to staying safe online (PDF, 946kb)