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Age UK announces 2012 Internet Champion finalists

Published on 27 January 2012 11:00 AM

Brenda O'Mulloy (83), Richard Hannam (64), Maggie Petch (69), and Keith Paterson (80, pictured) will all be heading to London next week to see if they will be crowned the Age UK Internet Champion for 2012.

The 4 finalists from across the UK will find out whether they will become an Age UK Internet Champion at a prestigious awards ceremony at the Royal Society in London on 30 January.

The search sees people over 55 nominate themselves to become a ‘Champion' for a year. The Champions will act as a leading light to the 5.7 million people over 65 who have never used the internet and so are missing out on the vast financial and social benefits it can offer, such as keeping in touch with grandchildren, discovering new hobbies and interests, and saving money on products and services by shopping around.

On hearing the news that she had reached the final, Brenda said: ‘I am absolutely delighted to have made it this far. The Internet has had such a positive impact on my life I want to spread the message to other people of a similar age that it's never too late to take that first step.'

Richard Hannam, who runs a music teaching, photography and writing business from home in Prudhoe, Northumberland said: ‘I am delighted to have reached the final, which was my aim when I first applied to be the 2012 Internet Champion. Success in this high profile initiative, combined with Age UK's resources, will enable me to show the millions of over-65s, still not online, just how many ways the internet can enrich their lives, the way it has done for me.'

David Mortimer, Head of Digital Inclusion at Age UK, commented: ‘Age UK is committed to helping people in later life access the advantages of using the internet for themselves. Through the Age UK Internet Champion of the Year search we are showcasing real stories to inspire others to make the most of all the internet has to offer.'

Age UK manages a number of UK-wide digital inclusion programmes, including the Digital Inclusion Network consisting of 200+ partner organisations and Connect with IT, a comprehensive digital inclusion campaign involving itea and biscuits week, myfriends online week, Age UK Internet Champion of the Year competition and Digital Champion IT volunteering. More than 200,000 people in later life have been helped to date.

For more information about how Age UK can help you get online visit or call 0800 169 65 65.

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