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Anyone can be affected by hormonal changes during their lives for a number of reasons, including pregnancy, fertility treatment, gender transitioning, conditions needing hormone treatment, and menopause.

Whilst the menopause is a completely natural and natural part of life, it’s a time when hormones are changing and some people can find this difficult or confusing and need more information to support & reassure them.

Age UK Lancashire wants to ensure that everyone has access to the information that will help and support them through menopause or perimenopause.

WHERE can you get related information?

The following are links to some external sites that you may find useful. We are aware there is a lot of guidance available and everyone is different so please use this as a guide only and do let us know if there are any links that should be added to this list: ­



  • The Daisy Network charity, which provides support for women experiencing premature menopause or premature ovarian insufficiency -


  • The Menopause Café, which provides information about events where strangers gather to eat cake, drink tea and discuss the menopause -


  • Henpicked, an online community that gives women a place to have their say, promote healthy debate and bring about positive change. They also provide ‘lunch and learn’ videos with industry wide experts -


  • MegsMenopause, an ‘honest and frank’ look at all things menopause. ­ We also recommend this practical guide for people managers from the CIPD, which offers guidance on supporting employees going through the menopause, including how to approach the conversations about it appropriately and sensitively -