Working together in West Lancashire

Published on 20 July 2018 10:46 AM
Working together in West Lancashire
Our Engagement Team has been working hard in the West Lancashire area alongside partner organisations and the local Rotary Club.
We helped to devise a leaflet featuring services from a host of organisations in the local area. The Southport Rotarians have kindly sponsored 10,000 leaflets which will be made available to people being discharged from hospital, attending A & E, day clinics, GP surgeries and in community settings.
We hope this will go some way to reducing loneliness by providing people who may be socially isolated with information about services, activities and support they can benefit from.
The leaflet was officially launched in both Southport and Ormskirk Hospital in May with a great response from NHS staff, Age UK Trustee’s, Rotary club members and Damien Moore MP for Southport.