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Remember a Charity Week

Published on 13 September 2023 11:16 AM

This week we are asking our supporters to remember us in their Will!

Remember a Charity Week is a national campaign that is run by Remember a Charity and includes over 200 charities with the main message for people to consider leaving a gift in their Will to a charity or cause that they care about.

A gift in your Will helps to support Age UK Lancashire and can make a big difference to lives of older people in Lancashire.


Vicki Lamb, Individual Giving Manager:

“I may only be in my 30’s but having my Will written is a huge weight off my shoulders. I know my family are cared for and if I need to update it, it will be easy.

We were lucky enough to buy our first home in 2016 and in 2021 our daughter arrived, It was only then that we had our Wills written by a local solicitor. Our estate may only be small, but should the inevitable happen to me, or my partner I know our daughter is cared for. I also included 3 charities in my Will. They have all made an impact on my life and I know the gift I have left will allow them to continue to deliver the amazing work they do.

To have a mirror Will drafted took no longer than an hour and it was signed and completed within the week. The process was seamless, with the solicitor asking us all the right questions.

Anyone over the age of 18 can write their will, and if you have a family, or a house I would recommend you have a Will written. Tomorrow is never a given and without the protection of a Will your estate may go to the wrong person. An hour’s appointment is what stands between protecting your family and estate or letting it sit in the wrong hands.

Having your Will written doesn’t need to be expensive – lots of charities offer a Will writing service. Age UK Lancashire have partnered with a team of solicitors from across the region offering a basic will for a return donation. You can also write your Will online for free using Bequeathed.”


Here are Vicki’s top tips:

  • If you have a pension; you need to contact your provider to nominate who you want your pension to go to should you pass away. Unfortunately, it isn’t covered by a Will.

  • Remember to update your Will every 5 years. Keeping it updated ensures your wishes are correctly carried out.

  • If you are leaving something to a charity, make sure you have the right details, If you give the wrong details, or your solicitor takes the wrong details; your gift could go to the wrong charity. If you are unsure contact the charity, they will be happy to help you.


If you would like to remember Age UK Lancashire in your Will, then please click here to learn more about leaving a legacy.

Les and Audrey remembered us. Read about the support we gave them both and how they thanked us at the end.

If you are looking to write your Will then we can help! Click here to learn more about our Will Writing Clinics.