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Afternoon Tea

Published on 16 November 2021 04:17 PM

Guests turn out in force for an Afternoon Tea to remember.

On Friday 12TH November, Age UK Lancashire welcomed guests into the beautiful Lytham Hall for an Afternoon Tea. Lytham Hall opened its doors to 59 guests and the local charity were overwhelmed by the support showed by all who bought tickets. 


The event was held to raise much-needed funds to support the vital work that Age UK Lancashire do for older people across Lancashire.  Guests were treated to live musical entertainment, delicious sandwiches and cakes, as well as a raffle.

The event helped raise an impressive £554.26 and all the guests had a great time.

One guest who attended said “The Afternoon Tea was lovely, the food on offer was delicious and from going in, to coming out of the venue, the atmosphere was really nice. It was really well organised and we were happy to support such a great cause as well as enjoying delicious treats!” 


The event was sponsored by Home Comfort Services who said: 


“We were delighted to partner with Age UK Lancashire at last Friday’s Afternoon Tea at Lytham Hall. 


We thought the event was a real success and that everyone enjoyed themselves and went home happy! For some of our clients it was extra special as it was the first time, they had left their homes in 20 months. 


Hopefully as a result of ticket sales and the proceeds of the raffle, Age UK Lancashire will have raised valuable funds to help the elderly and vulnerable in the region.  Home Comfort Services is ready to support Age UK Lancashire on other fundraising events here on the Fylde” 

Anne Oliver from Age UK Lancashire said: “Without, the continued and ongoing support of the public we wouldn’t be able to change lives and provide crucial support to so many people across Lancashire. These events really show what a great community we have here in Lancashire”  


Age UK Lancashire provide a variety of services and support, from helping people home from hospital and help around the house to support accessing benefits and other financial assistance.  More information on services available can be found here


If you would like to find out about Age UK Lancashire’s upcoming events, then please click here