John's Story

Good Day Calls Service
John is a retired ex-serviceman who has carers in twice day to help prepare meals and help around the house due to loss of mobility. He is unable to access outside the home without a wheelchair.
His life used to revolve around going places and seeing things, sharing his life with his wife and family. He travelled the world with his military service for over 20 years and enjoyed photography and aircraft as a hobby.
Today he is housebound and has all his memories but no one to talk to. Since April our weekly chats have been all over the world, discussed the places he visited. His hobbies are still there, so are his memories and we are keeping them real by our weekly chats.
"I enjoy our calls, sometimes we chat about places I’ve been, other times the hobbies I have. My family are busy with their own lives and jobs but having the same lady I speak to regularly has helped me so much, I really look forward to our chats each week.”
John accesses our Good Day Calls service.