Jennifer's Story

Loneliness and isolation can be daunting for anyone, especially for those like Jennifer, who found herself facing life on her own at the age of 71. With her husband of 52 years, Les, in full-time care and no family or friends nearby, Jennifer's world seemed to be shrinking. However, when she was visiting her local GP, she saw a poster from Age UK Lancashire offering crucial support. Encouraged, she reached out to their Information Helpline to explore available options.
After speaking with Jennifer, our Customer Service team recognised her need for companionship and support, and so was referred to our ‘Good Day Calls’ service and Susan Croft, our Good Day Call Handler. This simple act of connecting with someone made a world of difference. This also proved to be the best way to understand any additional support Jennifer needed.
Our Information Helpline is a free-to-use service for older adults and their carers. Year after year calls have increased to their Helpline from older people that are facing isolation, loneliness, and are being affected by the cost-of-living crisis. Through these calls, Jennifer not only found companionship and a listening ear, but also a source of advice and support during difficult times.
Jennifer shares:
"Good Day Calls is exactly what I needed. It is just great to be able to speak to someone about day-to-day life but also on any concerns I had about Les and my own isolation."
The support continued, as Jennifer faced concerns about her husband's long-term care and associated costs. Our staff provided her with information to connect with her social care worker, providing answers and reassurance. Susan referred Jennifer to the Digital Inclusion team as Jennifer struggled with online prescription ordering as her local GP transitioned to digital services. With guidance from our Digital Inclusion service and the assistance of Monica, a Digital Health Navigator, Jennifer gained confidence in navigating online, from prescription orders to mobile phone usage.
Concerned about online safety, Jennifer was referred to our Scams Awareness service, equipping her with knowledge to navigate the digital landscape securely and be aware of suspicious emails and messages.
Tasks once daunting, are now easily managed, and worries have been replaced with newfound confidence. Reflecting on the impact of Age UK Lancashire's support, Jennifer said:
"The difference Age UK Lancashire has made to my life is priceless.
They have given me so much support I cannot thank them enough! My life is improving daily along with my confidence, I now go to coffee mornings which I would have never done without your help and kindness.
I am so happy I saw the poster for Age UK Lancashire and the Good Day Call service they have. I was feeling so low and just making that call and speaking to the service has been life changing I am so happy I plucked up the courage and I would recommend this amazing charity to everyone as they really do care.”
Tragically, Jennifer lost her husband during this period and now worries about the winter ahead, but we will continue to stand by her side, offering unwavering support.
Jennifer's story is a testament to the profound impact that our Information Helpline can have on the lives of individuals facing isolation and loneliness. Through a simple poster and a brave phone call, Jennifer found a lifeline of support that has supported her through difficult times. Her story is a beacon of hope, reminding us all of the power of connection and kindness in making a positive difference in someone's life.
Support our 'More Than A Call' Winter Appeal
Jennifer is one of thousands of older people that contacts Age UK Lancashire’s Information Helpline for help. The challenges for older people have increased and during the winter period calls to the information helpline increase by 50%.
In November and December, Age UK Lancashire are running their #MoreThanACall Winter Appeal to raise awareness and much needed funds for their Information Helpline. Each call costs £3, and the local older person’s charity is asking for people to gift a call and share the warmth.
Gift a call. Share the warmth.
Your £3 can help support an isolated older person in Lancashire.