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  • Location: Vida's
  • Price: £50.00
Call 02031435695 for more info

The annual membership fee for MYsocial is £50. This can be paid as a one-off annual payment, four payments of £12.50, or ten payments of £5. We do offer support with meeting the cost of membership. If you do need help please contact: referencing the annual membership fee for a confidential discussion. Alternatively, you can call us on 0203 1435695, please leave a message if your call is not answered and we will contact you as soon as we can.

2B Saltoun Road
United Kingdom

MYsocial is a community brought to you by Age UK Lambeth. We’re here to bring people together to try new things, connect with their neighbours, develop friendships, share their knowledge and skills and feel part of their community.

Membership of MYsocial is open to anyone over 18 who wants to connect with others and increase what they do with their spare time. MYsocial is free to join and we make a commitment to keep our events as affordable as possible, with a third being free, a third under a tenner and the rest at cost price.

As a member, you’ll have access to our full calendar of events, which range from regular live events, such as our exercise classes, creative writing classes and computer clubs, to our set-piece events, which include parties, theatre trips, dances, gallery visits and exhibitions, to our trips out of London.

All our events have a host to welcome you and introduce you to other members. We know it can feel a bit scary to meet new people so our hosts will help you with that if it’s your first time attending. Often the host will be another member of MYsocial.

We also have a lively online events calendar that you can enjoy from home. These include many exercise classes, performances, craft sessions, our own version of Desert Island Discs, topical discussions, learning opportunities, and much more.

There are many ways you can be involved in MYsocial. You can give us a hand with the phone line, help with fundraising, take part in discussions about change and policymaking, train as a mentor, be a welcoming host, and share your skills – the possibilities are exciting and endless. Or you might just fancy coming along to events. Get in touch today to get involved!

“Before joining MYsocial I rarely saw anyone at weekends, now I am always busy!”