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  • Location: Age UK Lambeth
  • Price: Free
Call 02031 435836 for more info

Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Lambeth - Head Office's catchment area.

Age UK Lambeth
10 Acre Lane Brixton
London SW2 5SG
Greater London
United Kingdom

Thanks to the dedication of our incredible team of volunteers, our MYneighbour befriending service offers valuable opportunities for social connection. We help older people combat feelings of isolation and bring a sense of community.

Eligibility for this service is based on the following criteria:

Residency in Lambeth
Age of 60 years or above
Living alone
Please note that our befriending service is not suitable for individuals:

Requiring high levels of support, such as those with severe mental health issues, or dementia (please refer to our Magnolia Club for support in such cases).
Seeking assistance with household tasks such as shopping or cleaning, physical care, or post-hospital care.

Should additional support be necessary, our team will endeavor to assist in locating suitable resources. However, if deemed ineligible following assessment, we regret that we cannot pair you (or your client) with a volunteer.

It's important to recognise that our befriending relationships are limited to a maximum duration of 6 months.

Given the high demand for our services, priority for referrals will be given to those experiencing severe loneliness, lacking family or social networks, and facing confinement due to disability or being housebound.

Friendship Calls

For people who would prefer to limit in-person meetings, regular phone calls provide a great opportunity for conversation and connection. To make a referral for MYneighbour friendship calls please follow the link below.


Face-to-Face Befriending

A MYneighbour volunteer will visit you once a week for about an hour. You can sit and chat with a cuppa or go out for a coffee or a walk - it’s up to you. To make a referral for MYneighbour face-to-face befriending please follow the link below.
