Doing the Lambeth Walk

Published on 25 March 2019 09:46 AM
This May we are asking you to sign up to Do the Lambeth Walk for Age UK Lambeth and get sponsored to walk either 100, 155 or 200 miles across the month.
Walking is a great and free activity which helps to keep us young, fit and active whatever our age, however, the truth is that most of us don’t do enough. So we are challenging you this May to set a great habit of walking every day and to support Age UK Lambeth at the same time by being sponsored.
The money you raise will go towards our MYsocial service which reduces loneliness in Lambeth with a calendar of social events for all ages to encourage people to make friends, connect with the community and do things that make them happy.
“I feel absolutely connected to a much wider community thanks to MYsocial”
MYsocial member during a recent survey
100 miles in May = 6,451 steps per day
155 miles in May = 10,000 steps per day
200 miles in May = 12,902 steps per day
Sign up below by completing the form to receive a free fundraising pack by email with ideas and tips to help you reach both your steps target and your fundraising target!