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Jennifer Martin fundraised for Age UK Lambeth through Thames Path Challenge

Published on 01 September 2017 10:37 AM

We would like to say a big thank you to Jennifer Martin for fundraising for Age UK Lambeth at this year's Thames Path Challenge on 9-10 September 2017.

More than 3,000 challengers took on the main Thames Path Challenge following England's greatest river - most walked, many will jogged, some runned and all had a special reason to push themselves.

Jennifer did the 50km walk this year in order to raise funds for Age UK Lambeth. She raised £275.00 from ten supporters on her JustGiving page. She did the walk in 9hours 33 minutes. As she stated "it was wet and muddy, it is a personal milestone and it was great".

If you wish to donate to Age UK Lambeth, make sure to visit our JustGiving page. Even the smallest donation is really important for us in order to keep providing our services to older people in Lambeth.

Thank you Jennifer!

Jennifer Martin fundraised for Age UK Lambeth through Thames Path Challenge