Leave a Legacy

Legacies are a crucial part of our income and can allow us to offer services we couldn't otherwise afford to run. Everyone who leaves a gift to Age UK Kent Rivers is playing a part in our future.
It’s not only rich people who leave legacies to charity. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth.
An important part of our donated income comes from legacies left by ordinary people who, after providing for their loved ones, want to leave something to a local cause they believe in. Some may have been helped by Age UK Kent Rivers themselves, or had an older relative or friend who has benefited from our services.
Legacies are a crucial part of our income and can allow us to offer services we couldn't otherwise afford to run. Everyone who leaves a gift to Age UK Kent Rivers is playing a part in our future, in ensuring that our services are here for the future generations - continuing our mission to help all older people, and adults with learning disabilities, to Achieve Life's Fullness.
Your legacy doesn't have to be large to make a difference. Whatever you leave is a truly unique gift; your way of ensuring that your kindness and compassion lives on to help others.
How to leave a gift in your will
Having a will and keeping it up-to-date helps ensure that your wishes can be respected and your property and assets benefit people and causes you really care about. We would always recommend that you speak to a qualified professional such as a solicitor, when making or amending your will.
Your solicitor will be able to advise you on the required wording to carry out your wishes. If you wish to leave a gift to Age UK Kent Rivers in your will, all you need is our charity details below:
Age UK Kent Rivers, Second Floor South, Fitted Rigging House South, Anchor Wharf, The Historic Dockyard, Chatham, Kent, ME4 4TZ. Registered charity number 1133023.
If you already have a will
If you already have a will and you want to include a gift to Age UK Kent Rivers in it, there may not be a need to rewrite it. You can ask a qualified professional such as a solicitor to add an amendment (called a codicil). As a general rule, if the change you wish to make is quite small or simple, you can use a codicil, and if the change is more significant or complex you should make a new will.
What kind of gift can I leave to Age UK Kent Rivers?
You can leave a specific sum of money or an item such as jewellery or a piece of art. Or you can leave a share in, or all of, what's left of the value of your estate after family and friends have been taken care of. The advantage of leaving a share (also known as residuary gift) is that it remains the same over time, and you won't need to change your will to keep up with inflation.
Contact us to find out more
If you are interested in leaving a gift in your will and want more information, please feel free to contact us by calling 01634 572616, or emailing enquiries@ageukkentrivers.org.uk and we would be happy to talk to you further.