Walking Sports

Did you love to play a sport back in the day but feel that you now need a slower paced game? Do you want a social activity, that helps you stay active and meet new people?
If yes, then come and join one of our Walking Sports at Age UK Kent Rivers, located in Faversham and Sittingbourne - we currently offer Walking Netball, Walking Football and Walking Cricket.
What are Walking Sports?
Walking Sports are friendly and inclusive programmes, allowing people of all ages and abilities the opportunity to find their place in a sport, socialise with others and improve their physical and mental wellbeing. They are the same game, but at a walking pace where the rules are slightly tweaked to make sure it is safe for everyone.
At Age UK Kent Rivers, we currently hold weekly sessions of Walking Football, Walking Netball and Walking Cricket.
Who is it for?
Anyone can join in our Walking Sports, regardless of their age or fitness level. Age UK Kent Rivers believe that staying active in later life is especially important, for both your physical and mental wellbeing.
We aim to reduce isolation and improve wellbeing by providing an activity which is gentle, slower-paced and suitable for all who want to play. Perhaps you hung up your sports kit decades ago, or perhaps you are looking for a fun activity in later life. Whatever your situation, there is a place for you within Walking Sports!
Where and when are the sessions held?
Walking Netball | The Abbey School, London Road, Faversham ME13 8RZ | Tuesdays 5.30pm-7.30pm |
Walking Football | Swallows Leisure Centre, Central Avenue, Sittingbourne ME10 4NT | Tuesdays 1pm-3pm |
Walking Cricket | Swallows Leisure Centre, Central Avenue, Sittingbourne ME10 4NT | Thursdays 10am-12pm |
What is the cost?
All sessions are currently free, but we would appreciate for a voluntary contribution of £2 to help us fund future games.
I would like more information
To find out more about Walking Netball at Age UK Kent Rivers, check out our short videos of what you can be a part of. Click Here and Here!
Our Session Leads have completed official FA and Sport England training. For more information about the Walking Football programme, click here!
I want to register my interest
To join our Walking Netball, Walking Football, or Walking Cricket Team, please contact enquiries@ageukkentrivers.org.uk