Coffee Mornings

Age UK Kent Rivers host weekly Coffee Mornings, aiming to reduce social isolation and loneliness. Come along for a coffee and a natter at The Old Fire Station in Faversham, every Monday from 10am-12pm.
We understand that many older people can experience social isolation, and even loneliness, and it is our aim to help support people to engage with others and improve their wellbeing.
That's why Age UK Kent Rivers offer a free coffee morning every Monday from 10am-12pm at The Old Fire Station, Crescent Road, Faversham, Kent ME13 7GU.
Come along, enjoy a hot drink and a biscuit, and get chatting with new, likeminded people.
For more information
For more information about our coffee mornings, or to let us know you're joining us, please call us on 01795 532766 or email us at