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Age UK Medway are helping isolated older people get connected with a Virtual Retirement Community!
Published on 07 July 2021 10:49 AM
Age UK Medway, the leading older persons charity in Medway, has teamed up with Sparko TV to provide 12 months of...
Age UK Medway to merge with the Carers Relief Service in January 2021
Published on 15 December 2020 05:50 PM
Age UK Medway are delighted to be bringing the Carers Relief Service (CRS) into our organisation as part of our...
The Big Knit is Back for 2020-2021
Published on 20 November 2020 11:21 AM
Each winter, one older person dies needlessly every minute because of the cold. With over a decade of support from...
Age UK Medway collaborates with MiiCare to provide older people with their very own ‘Digital Guardian Angel’.
Published on 20 November 2020 10:19 AM
Age UK Medway is teaming up with an innovative Medtech company, MiiCare, in a 3-month pilot to provide older people i...
Bryan the Firefighter and 102-year-old Dolly
Published on 08 June 2020 10:05 AM
Dolly was referred to Age UK Medway by MHS Homes, as she lives alone and does not have any family in the Medway area...
Superhero CEO & Commerical Director cycle 26 miles in just 54 minutes!
Published on 14 May 2020 12:12 PM
Our 'superhero' CEO, John Norley, and Commercial Director, Nick Chamberlain, cycled the length of the London Marathon...