Age UK Medway are helping isolated older people get connected with a Virtual Retirement Community!

Published on 07 July 2021 10:49 AM
Age UK Medway, the leading older persons charity in Medway, has teamed up with Sparko TV to provide 12 months of membership to its local Virtual Retirement Community to fifty older people in the area, free of charge.
Sparko TV uses innovative technology to enable older people to connect with the community through their television, and with a simple, easy-to-use remote control. A set top box plugs into their existing TV, creating an interactive channel which incorporates live exercise classes and social events, lifelong learning opportunities, access to video calls and a messaging service, and much more.
Members can also connect with Age UK Medway via their Sparko box, to request a wide range of local services including day care, befriending, and meal deliveries.
Age UK Medway’s work during the pandemic highlighted the need for its support for older people to be available online, but the charity quickly realised this would not be a simple task, with many older people nervous and unsure when faced with using complicated technology. The Sparko TV set-top box, however, presented an ideal solution, using an everyday household item and technology with which almost ever older person will be entirely comfortable.
Both Sparko TV and Age UK Medway recognise how important it is to enable older people to access technology that many in society take for granted, helping them to remain active and independent, reducing isolation and loneliness, and giving them an opportunity to enjoy later life. Sparko TV allows this from the comfort of an older person’s home, providing access to a virtual community and many daily activities, at a time when being a part of society brings such anxiety and uncertainty.
As has been noted by Age UK Medway and its team working on delivering Sparko TV locally, members are already experiencing an increase in wellbeing, digital inclusion, participation in exercise and social groups, and greater ease in accessing services.
Age UK Medway Chief Executive Officer, John Norley, said:
“This is a fantastic opportunity for older people in Medway to take advantage of this offer and join a growing virtual community. The past year and a half has been extremely difficult for all of us, but especially for older people who are at high risk of loneliness and isolation. Using Sparko can bring our services, as well as a wide range of activities, exercise, learning and fun into people’s homes. We want to ensure that older people remain independent, active members of our community.”
Sparko’s in-house tech support team are able to assist with set up as well as ongoing technical support, and the Sparko community engagement workers are always on hand providing live exercise classes, social meet ups, and interaction, which in turn increases the amount that people engage and participate.
Get in touch!
Do you know an older person who would benefit from being part of a Virtual Community?
Get in touch with us today to take advantage of this time limited offer.
01634 578085
Or complete our online contact form here!