Graham the Grey, our newest Day Centre member and 'therapy bunny'!

Published on 28 January 2020 11:20 AM
Our Chris Ellis Centre has a very exciting new lodger. He is small, grey, fluffy and very popular with all the service users and staff!
'Graham the Grey' is a German Lop rabbit, which are known for their docile, affectionate nature, therefore making them the perfect pet for older people and often ebing referred to as 'therapy bunnies' (proof that pet therapy really does work!).
Here's a few words from Graham himself about his first day at the Chris Ellis Centre:
"Hi everyone, my name is Graham and I am a very special therapy bunny!
Yesterday I had my very first taster session at the Chris Ellis Centre, and I was made to feel so welcome by the staff and the other customers.
I was initially really nervous but once I got here I quickly realised that I didn’t need to be, as the staff had it covered. I don’t think I have ever been cuddled and petted so much!
The food was great and I can safely say that no-one prepares carrot tops like Sharon the cook; they were so crunchy and juicy. It is definitely true what they say: carrots certainly do make you see in the dark.
The best part is that I got all of this very first day free, they call it a 'taster session' and I can safely say that the taste was good - and I'm not just talking about the carrots!
I have decided I will be coming back everyday to spend time with the lovely clients and staff at the Chris Ellis Centre, so if you feel like joining me for a day don’t hesitate to get in touch. Just ask the staff to steer you to Graham the Grey when you arrive and I will see you there."
For more information about our Strood Day Centre services, please call 01634 724745 or email seniorstrood@ageukmedway.o