The ALF Principle

In a society increasingly driven by change and innovation, the older generation is being forgotten.
Who is looking out for Alf?
Find out why at Age UK Kent Rivers we work towards the ALF Principle, to help every older person Achieve Life's Fullness and make sure that everyone remembers to
Gone are the days when community spirit was inherent in most people, and looking out for others, in particular an older person, was part of daily life. No longer will someone chat with a friend, or a stranger, in a supermarket queue whilst waiting to pay for their weekly groceries; nor will an older person queue outside the post office to collect their pension every Tuesday; nor relax in the comfort of their local pub, with a pipe and a pint, and the company of their friendly landlord.
Some people and, most importantly, many of our people, are looking around and wondering where everybody else went. The problem is, does anyone ever stop to wonder where they went?
No longer will the milkman wonder why yesterday’s milk bottle is still sitting, untouched, on the doorstep.
No longer, will the landlady think how odd it is that Mavis hasn’t been in for her evening sherry since Tuesday.
No longer does anyone ask now… where is Alf?
At Age UK Kent Rivers, we want to change that, and make sure that older people are not forgotten.
We realise we cannot turn back the tide of time, and there are many reasons we would not want to try. Technology brings many advantages for the older generation. For example, by making it easier than ever before to stay in touch with far-flung family and friends, or by bringing learning opportunities straight into the living room, that might previously have meant a venture out on a cold, wet day.
But nothing can replace the heart-warming value of regular, face to face contact with others who are looking out for you. And that is why we are calling on society to keep an eye out for Alf, and make sure he is okay.
If you’re popping to the shop, knock on your next-door neighbour and ask if she needs anything.
If you’re mowing your lawn, ask the old man across the street if he needs his done.
Or if you have time, you could even ask them if they’d like some company over a cup of tea.
You’d be amazed at some of the stories older people have to tell, and how rewarding it would be for you.
And what are we at Age UK Kent Rivers doing?
We have embedded the ALF Principle in the charity’s DNA, and at every turn will look out for older people like Alf, to make sure they are given the opportunity to Achieve Life’s Fullness.
- In every interaction we have with, or about, an older person, we listen carefully to ensure we can make an informed judgement on the best way, or ways, we can support that individual. Whether it is through a programme of social support delivered by our day services, or a service which allows someone to remain independent and connected in their own home, or even both, we will strive to provide the chance for that person to continue to Achieve Life’s Fullness.
- Our recruitment programme selects candidates who 'fit' the ALF Principle, and who we are sure will embody the culture in their daily work.
- The induction training for every new starter includes full immersion into the Principle, providing a clear understanding of what is expected of them.
- Our annual training programme contains refresher guidance on the importance of the ALF ethos as a key component to the way we work as a charity supporting older people.
- Our annual staff supervision and appraisal scheme incorporates recognition of each individual’s performance against the expectations set by the ALF Principle.
- Our staff incentive scheme is based entirely around examples of the ALF ethos in practise, ensuring the Principle is enshrined in the charity’s culture.
It's more than just a hashtag. It is the ethos of Age UK Kent Rivers' belief that older people must not be forgotten, and of the responsibility we all have.
If you want to know how you can be a part of helping your local community to Achieve Life's Fullness, there are so many ways you can help.
Community Ambassadors
We are looking for active members of society that are willing to be the bridge between our charity and the wider community, to help achieve our main goal of helping all older people, to Achieve Life’s Fullness. Read more about our Community Ambassador volunteering role, and find out if you could be the perfect go-to person to help us!