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Older lady and younger woman sitting inside smiling

What is befriending?

Our ONE-TO-ONE Befriending volunteers help to combat loneliness and isolation by making regular visits to older people in their homes, providing companionship and a listening ear.

Who is the service for?

This service is open to residents of Kensington & Chelsea who are aged 55 and over, housebound and are struggling with isolation due to being unable to leave their property. If you are mobile or has specialist needs, you may find more suitable services below.

We are currently not taking any new Befriending referrals as we would like to focus on the high volume of referrals we already have.


Alternative Befrending service links

Age UK Telephone Befrending

The Silver Line Helpline


Making Friends In the Community

If you or the person you are supporting can get out and about but feel isolated our Activities and Events programmes is a great service for providing the widest possible opportunity to socialise be it in person or online. Our friendly staff and volunteers will help you feel right at home, and you’ll have the opportunity to make new friends and learn new skills.

You can contact our Events team on or 0208 969 9105 (Option 3)

Specialist Support

If you or the person you are supporting has Dementia they would be best supported by our Dementia Team, please contact them on 020 3181 0002 or email

If you or the person you are supporting has complex mental health needs, they may benefit from specialist befriending support. More information can be found on or by contacting 020 7221 0052

Help with Mobility

Our Walking Support service, to help you regain your confidence going outside. Our Walking Support volunteers can offer weekly one to one support for 12 weeks. Please call 020 8969 9105 (Option 5) or by email

Our volunteer Escorts can offer a steadying arm or push your wheelchair to help you get to an appointment or an event. Please call 020 8969 9105 (Option 4) or by email

Who do I contact?

If you think you or someone you know would benefit from a volunteer Befriender, please contact Will Porter on 020 8969 9105 (Pressing Option 4) or by email

For Professionals, please find our Befriending Referral form here.

  • Call in Time telephone befriending

    Call in Time is a free telephone befriending service run by Age UK national. They can arrange for a friendly volunteer to call you every week for 30 minutes. 

    Sign up today 

  • Become a Befriending volunteer

    You could help make a real difference to the life of a lonely older person by becoming a befriending volunteer. To find out more about this, and all our other volunteering opportunities, click here.

    Volunteer with us