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Two people skydiving

We help more than 10,000 older people every year, providing companionship, advice and support for people who need it most. But we can only do this thanks to the amazing support of our brilliant donors and fundraisers. As an independent, local charity, every penny raised goes directly to helping people in Kensington & Chelsea.

Fundraising ideas

Get your work colleagues involved, round up your friends and family and involve any groups and clubs of which you're a member. It's all for a great cause! 

Anything can be a good fundraising opportunity. What would you like to do? A dinner party, a film screening, van pulling or a drastic haircut? These are all fundraisers that have helped older people, but you might have some other ideas up your sleeve.

Some things to consider:

  • Is it going to be a sponsored activity or are you hosting an event?
  • What do you enjoy?
  • Where do your talents lie?
  • Can anyone help you?
  • Do think about how much time and effort you can spend on planning and organising the event. Remember, you're doing a good thing for charity, but it should be fun too.


A to Z Fundraising Ideas

Thinking of fundraising for Age UK Kensington & Chelsea? Here are some fun and interesting ideas that you can use all in the comfort and safety of your own home, by using applications such as Zoom, Twitch etc.

A to D

Afternoon Tea

Why not get your local business to sponsor an afternoon tea on zoom. They can provide the staples for the event such as team, crumpets, sandwiches etc to the participants and have supporters and their networks place orders and then enlist volunteers to deliver the goods.

Create a menu that demonstrates impact, so your supporters know what their donation provides. For example, a £20 donation gets you a bagel and coffee delivered to the doners home and pays for 1 supported trip to the hospital/appointment for an older person.

Bingo Online

Not only is bingo a fun and easy game to follow for people of all ages and ability levels, it also doesn’t require you to hire expensive equipment especially online. All you need is a random number generator which you can find easily online, to call out number and for making bingo sheets. All you need is a bit of preplanning as you need to decide on the number of participants, how much you will charge for entry and prizes for the winners.

Cooking Competition 

Channel your inner master chef and round up supporters and foodies around a friendly culinary competition all through zoom or skype. Challenge contestants to create their best dishes with a specific ingredient or criteria, and ask people pay to watch and cast their votes on who was the most innovative and/or whose dish looks the most appetising.

Give your supporters the option to sign up as a chef or judge, this will appealing to a large audience by providing a fun and unique experience that will help your donor associate your Age UK Kensington & Chelsea with a good time.

You can also give an incentive by offering a prize to the winner!

Craft Fair 

If Pinterest has taught us anything, it’s that the do-it-yourself aesthetic is very popular, therefore gather talented friends and family members to help create and sell your crafts, whether they are bracelets, buttons, keychains, or housewares.

You can use a range of sites or apps to sell your crafts and donate your proceedings.

Donate a Drink For Age UK Kensington & Chelsea

Ask fundraisers to give up a daily beverage and donate the money they would have spent to a worthwhile cause instead. Provide supporters with data showcasing how their £5, £10 or £20 donations has an impact. Then encourage them to share their activity on social media and ask their networks to take action too.

Intensify the appeal by asking supporters to participate for a certain number of days or encouraging them to meet a personal fundraising goal.

E to H

Eighty's Night

Host a 80’s themed party online, where people dress up in 80’s style clothes, you play 80’s music and games. Add in a best costume contest and prize as an incentive to join the online event and charge participants for entry.

Fancy Dress Party

Host a costumed party online, where people dress up in alignment with a pop culture phenomenon. Whether it’s zombies, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, or another theme.

Add in a best costume contest as an incentive to join the online event and charge participants for entry.

Game Night

There are a number of games that can be played over zoom, facetime or skype to host a remote game night. This is a friendly and fun event that’s suitable for all ages, complete with an assortment of options, it can be done in the comfort of your own home . Charge for entry and host mini-tournaments among different sets of players and advertise prizes for the winners.

Here are some game options: 

1. Codenames
Channel, your inner spy with this game, which has a nifty online version for virtual play. Here's how it works: There are 25 secret agents who can only be identified by their codenames, and you have to identify and make contact with your agents before the other team does, using clues given by the "spymasters."

2. Scattergories—
It's everything you love about the game Categories, but online! Set up your game by choosing from topics like TV shows, things that can found in a desk, or even pizza toppings (can you tell I'm hungry?). Create the game and send a link to all the players to join. 

3. Quiz Up—
Give trivia night a facelift with Quiz Up. The app has a ton of categories to choose from, like Disney, sports, Harry Potter, or video games. Play with anyone worldwide or set up a round with one of your best friends and see who comes out on top.

4. Mafia—
If you have a larger group, Mafia might be the game for you. You split into two groups, the villagers and the werewolves (so, not the Mafia at all, confusingly), and each player is secretly affiliated with one of the two teams. Head on over to the site to get started.

5. Quiplash—
This game asks players to respond to prompts with the wittiest answers they can come up with; the group then votes on the best response. Up to eight players can play, but one person needs to own the online game so they can share the fun.

6. Guess Who?—
This is a great family game because it's fun for people of all ages. Basically, you're assigned a character, and others have to guess who you are—the rules can differ a little depending on the size of the group and your preferences—using a series of "yes" or "no" questions. 

Head-Shaving Fundraiser

Participants pledge to shave their heads (or long-lasting beards) to raise money. 

I to L

Ice Cream Eating Contest

It’s a desert that everyone enjoys and perfect for families and children. Ask your community and local businesses to donate supplies to the contestants. Viewers and contestants can pay to take part, with a prize for the winner! By giving your supporters the option to sign up as a contestant or judge you’re appealing to a large audience and providing a fun and unique experience that will help your donor associate Age UK Kensington & Chelsea with a good time.

This type of event would be ideal on a weekend or in the summer when families have more free time on their hands.

Jumble Sale 

If you’re thinking of getting rid of some of your clutter or old clothes, why not hold a jumble sale of to raise money. You can also get family and friends involved by asking them to donate an item(s) they no longer need/use.

You can also use online platforms such as zaffit or even ebay to sell your items to raise money.

Karaoke Night

This is a great way to spend time with friends, family & the local community for a good cause all in the safety of your own home. All you need is a good internet connection and a list of popular karaoke songs. You can charge people to take part and to sing songs. 


Live streaming gives you the freedom to fundraise your way. You can use your talent, hobby or challenge yourself, to raise funds for Age UK Kensington & Chelsea. As you're broadcasting publicly, you have the potential to reach a far and wide audience to your cause. So the more people that watch your charity stream, the more money you'll be able to raise.

You can use zoom, twitch, youtube etc. to stream your event there are many applications available to you.  

M to P

Movie Night

Host a film screening or movie marathon online using Netflix Party. here you can have movie sessions with your friends and family. But it will only work in Google Chrome or PCs or laptops. 

You can even chat while watching movies or show. The host will have an option to have all the controls of the ongoing movie to themselves. Whoever has the control can pause, play, forward the ongoing movie and the same will happen for the others watching it at that time.

Find out more at:

Non–Uniform Day

At school or at work, pay a pound to wear casual clothes or pyjamas.

Old Clothes Sale

Raise money by selling items and clothes that you don’t want any more. There are a lot of apps you can use to hold an online garage sale such as ebay, vinted, ziffit etc.

Pancake Flip 

This is an easy event to host online. All participants need is a pancake and a pan. You can ask participants to fundraise or pay a fee to take part to see how many times they can flip a pancake. This is a great game for adults and children to take part. You can also offer a prize to the winner, such as a bottle of campaign or coupon for a online game store, depending on the age of the participant. 

Q to T

Quiz Night

Quiz nights used to be weekly occurrence at bars for a few simple reasons—they’re easy to organize, therefore easy to host online, and can be customized to appeal to any audience. Ask the participants to form teams in advance and raise a minimum amount as their registration fee to join in on the online festivities. Then charge an entrance fee for anyone not participating in the competition. Group people into different teams to see who can gain bragging rights and raise the most money.

Run or Bike Race 

A classic fundraising event idea, the 5K is a year-round favourite that can raise significant amounts of money for your cause. Rather than rely solely on entry fees, implement peer-to-peer fundraising so participants can start raising money upon registration. Throw out a suggested fundraising goal, prepare incentives, and send participants tips on how to reach out to their networks.

Scavenger Hunt 

Organize a scavenger hunt and send participants running all over their home. This is a great game for adults and kids. You just need access to zoom or skype and a list of ordinary house hold items. Get creative and use categories or prompts instead of items to get participants thinking! E.g. What does every bathroom have?

Charge a registration fee in advance and offer a head start or hints in exchange for donations on the day of the hunt. Assign bonus points for the individual who have the wittiest answers/objects.

Talent Show 

Crowdsource entertainment with this fun fundraising idea and put on a talent show. This event can be as high-end or as lowkey as you’d like. And this can all be done over zoom or skype. If you want to expand it further you can hold auditions for the show.

You can ask performers to help you fundraise and a registration fee in advance to watch.

U to X

Under the Sea Party  

Although we can’t get together physically we can still connect via zoom, skype and other alternative platforms to have a good time and party. Why not hold a themed party to raise money for a good cause. You can charge for entrance and viewers can pay to vote who has the best costume.

Video Game Fundraising Event 

Turn video-gaming into the most charitably productive activity in your community. Host a gaming night where people can sign up and create a fundraising page, play games (or one selected game) for an extended amount of time, and ask their friends and family for donations. Different individual or team contests (and prizes) can drum up excitement and donations throughout the evening.

Gamers can raise money by participating in a video gaming marathon online. Livestream the event to reach a larger audience, and viewers can donate in order to submit challenges or request other forms of entertainment. 

Who’s the Baby?' Photo Quiz 

This is a fun filled game where you gather baby pictures of celebrities and contestants guess who they are. Participants can play in groups or alone in knock out rounds, its up to you how you want to set it up. It’s an easy and fun way to raise money and get the community involved!

X-mas party

Stream a virtual Christmas party on Twitch or other streaming sites to raise money for a good cause. You can set tasks for certain targets e.g. if you reach a target of £300 you will wear a silly hat for the rest of the stream or if you reach £900 you will paint your face. The targets are up to you to decide and make if fun for your viewers.

Send your link out through social media, and ask friends and family to help spread the word to increase viewership.

Y to Z

Yard (Garage) Sale Fundraiser

Collect gently worn clothes, home goods, or collectibles and host a yard sale. If you have valuable items like first-edition books or signed collector’s items, you can hold an auction for the top-tier items at the end of the day.

To generate buzz around the event, take pictures of the items and post them on social media. You never know who could see a social post and you might just find your next corporate sponsor while drumming up excitement around the event.


Its as fun as it sounds. All you need is great music to get into the Zumba groove and participants can get sponsored to take part and viewers can pay to watch.



Birthday Fundraiser

Is your birthday coming up? Why not do something extra special to celebrate this year? Create a Birthday fundraising page and raise money on behalf of Age UK Kensington & Chelsea. You can ask friends and family to donate towards the cause as a gift to you for your birthday.

You can set this up easily by creating a page on Justgiving.

Here are some tips to help you on your endeavour:

  • Make your birthday the deadline – as it gives you something to aim for.

  • Share your story – tell everyone why you chose Age UK Kensington & Chelsea as your charity; why this event is so important to you and how the donations raised will help others.

  • Spread the word – use social media and ask friends and family to share your story, increase awareness and get the most out of the fundraiser.

  • Host a fundraising event – You can hold an online or face to face birthday party to celebrate as it helps to raise money for your cause, get people together for a common purpose and raise awareness about your cause in unique ways.


We're here to help

We are here to help with advice, ideas and support as well as posters, collection tins and sponsorship forms. Just give us a call on 020 8969 9105 or email to let us know what your plans are we'll see how we can help you!