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Energy Price Cap to rise again

The Energy Price Cap is set to rise again on 1 April.  This means that if you are not on a fixed tariff (and most people are not), your gas and electricity bill is likely to go up - for some users less than others.

The company Money Saving Expert say: "So for every £100 you pay for energy now, from April you'll pay roughly £106.40. Yet, in reality...some lower users (below £100 a month) will see only small rises, but those who use a lot (above £200 a month) will likely see 7% to 10% increases."

With this in mind, it's a really good time to be thinking about what you can do to reduce your energy costs and how to make your money go further with the Age UK Islington Energy Saving Workshop that we're running together with Adult Community Learning and SHINE. See below for further details and how to book.

Energy Saving Workshop

Thursday 13 March, 11am-1pm

North Library, first floor, Manor Gardens, London N7 6JX 

Are rising energy costs making you feel worried? Need help with your energy costs? Get practical tips and guidance to reduce your energy costs in this workshop hosted by Adult Community Learning and SHINE.

Help will also be available to better understand your energy bills and how you can make your money go further.

Book here for the Workshop

Please note that booking is essential as there are limited places (please only book a place if you are confident that you will be coming along on the day).

If you cannot use the booking form, call Age UK Islington on 020 7281 6018 /



Islington Warm Spaces

With energy bills on the rise, why not head to a warm space? Several venues across Islington offer warm spaces throughout the week, including some evenings and weekends. Everyone is welcome to join. Enjoy hot food and drinks, take part in wellbeing activities, and connect with others in a comfortable, welcoming environment.

Click to see a list of Warm Spaces.