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Lets Talk January: Find a course for 2025

Published on 29 January 2025 05:22 PM

Age UK Islington's Let's Talk event is a great opportunity to stay informed, share your thoughts, and connect with others. It's a monthly forum open to Islington residents.

If you couldn't be at Let's Talk this month, we wanted to share some extracts from the presentations and the slides so you don't miss out!

Let's Talk in January "Finding a Course for 2025"

Adult Community Learning and Recovery College gave talks to let people know about their huge range of free courses in the borough.

Adult Community Learning

Hear from Simon from Adult Community Learning talking about some of the Adult Community Learning English courses.

What sort of courses do they have:From ESOL (English as a second language) to maths, sewing, learning a language, improving computer skills, carpentry, energy saving and more...

Talking about Employability courses - video

Talking about English and Maths courses - video

Talking about Social and Practical courses - video

Adult Community Learning Presentation slides.

Who are the courses for: skills and employment training offer that is free to adults who are aged 19+ (as at 31 August 2024) and either unemployed or earning less than £27,007.

Drop-in: every Monday (during term-time) at 12.30pm for registration and 1pm to chat to a member of the ACL team to work out which would be the right course for you. First Steps Learning Centre, 2nd floor, Central Library, 2 Fieldway Crescent. N5 1PF.

Find out more including course guide:

The Recovery College

Hear about Dany talking about some of The Recovery College Courses.

What sort of courses do they have: The Recovery College co-produces recovery-focused courses (in person and online) for everyone 18+ in Camden and Islington. Their courses are lively, aspirational and interactive – and promote hope that recovery is possible. We aim to empower people in practical ways by teaching self-care tools to improve wellbeing.

Talking about Intro to the Recovery College course guide - video

Talking about Recovery College course aims - video

Who are the courses for: Everyone aged 18+ who lives or works in Camden or Islington can access our free courses.   

Find out more including course guide:

Let's Talk next month: Thursday 20 February

Find out what the topic of conversation is for the next Let's Talk. You'll need to request a place to attend. We'll confirm places from 12th February 2025.