Let's Talk February: Housing options
Published on 25 February 2025 08:28 PM
Age UK Islington's Let's Talk event is a great opportunity to stay informed, share your thoughts, and connect with others. It's a monthly forum open to Islington residents.
If you couldn't be at the February Let's Talk, we wanted to share some extracts from the talks and the slides so you don't miss out!
Housing Options Talks
Housing options: what the options are when it comes to moving home in Islington, sheltered housing, what social housing options are there outside the borough, how the points system works. Islington Council Housing Team.
Click to see the Housing Options presentation.
Click to see the Sheltered Housing presentation.
Lots of information on the Housing options service can also be found at:
Finding a home | Islington Council
Questions & Answers: Housing Options
- Can my daughter move into my council house with me?
The Islington Council tenant will need to request permission from her tenancy team by completing Application to join the household. See the link below for more information (see the bottom of the 'Your tenancy' page for the application form).
Your tenancy | Islington Council
- Will I be able to pass my council house tenancy to a family member?
Succession information also on the attached link:
- If I move to a smaller property, will I be able to move back to a larger property in the future if I needed a family member live with me to look after me?
If a tenant has health issues and needs a larger home for a carer. They would be able to apply for a housing transfer on medical grounds by completing a Housing form and Medical application form and returning these to the Housing Options team for assessment. Extra bedrooms are normally only agreed in exceptional circumstances. Link to medical leaflet :
- Is overcrowding legal?
Overcrowding is not illegal. Islington bedroom allocation scheme offer points awarded for overcrowding and there is a severe overcrowding award for those applicants on the Islington housing register who are lacking two or more bedrooms at the property where they are currently residing.
Points are as follows:
- Opposite sex overcrowding – where two people of the opposite sex have to share a bedroom and one is 10 years or older (unless they are over 16 and living as a couple (10 points) and where there is more than one occurrence additional points will be given per occurrence (5 points)
- For each additional bedroom required (20 points)
- Additional points for households lacking 2 or more bedrooms (severe overcrowding 30 points)
- Statutory overcrowding legislation is explained on Shelter website :
Apply for a larger home if you live in overcrowded housing - Shelter England
If residents are “Statutory over-crowded” within the meaning of Part X of the Housing Act 1985, (link Housing Act 1985) they can seek further advice from Islington’s Triage Team by telephone: 0207 527 6371 (Monday – Friday 9am-5pm)
- Do I have to apply separately for council and housing association properties? Is this part of the same process? Can I apply to all of them?
Yes, it is the same process. Islington advertise both Islington LBI Homes and Islington RSL homes (Registered Social Landlords that provide social housing) that Islington has nomination rights to.
Available homes are allocated via our choice based letting scheme Home Connections. If it's an RSL property the Landlord's details are provided in the full advertisement. Applicants can bid for both types of homes.
Some larger RSL may operate their own internal transfer waiting list for their own tenants and their tenants would need to contact their own Landlord for confirmation of any other housing options they offer.
- I am on the housing register and have health issues. Will this make a difference to my application?
If you would like the council to consider your medical condition when assessing your housing application, you should complete a medical assessment form.
Medical leaflet link:
Link to medical form:
Medical form - Housing needs assessment
Link to housing register self-assessment:
- I live in a council bedsit and want to apply for a 1-bedroom property. Will I keep the same tenancy?
You can apply for a housing transfer and if you are rehoused into another Islington Council tenancy you would retain your secure tenancy. If you were to move into a housing association tenancy then you would become an assured tenant.
Difference between secure and assured:
See attached information sheet. Also information can be found on the Shelter website:
Housing advice from Shelter - Shelter England
- What is the basis on which the points are awarded?
See the link below for how Islington Council allocate social housing. The policy is published and is available at the bottom of this link page:
How we allocate council housing | Islington Council
- I can't bid online for properties. Are there other ways I can do this?
Islington operate choice-based letting and one needs to bid online or if you have a smart phone or android phone you can download the app. See link:
Bid for housing | Islington Council
For applicants that do not have access to the internet Islington Libraries offer computer and internet access. Applicants can also access internet at 222 Upper Street and the HUB team would be happy to assist you.
For elderly applicant who has no internet/computer access Islington Council provide the auto-bid functionality upon request.
This function can automatically bid for 3 properties each week that match your needs (bedsize/floor level). Applicants will need to provide a day time telephone number, preferably mobile phone number, to contact successful applicants.
- I am I short listed for a property, how many properties can I view? Is there a penalty if I don't take up the property that I've been shortlisted for?
Applicants can bid for up to 3 properties each week. If you are shortlisted for all 3 properties you would be able to view all, reject all without any penalties. You would only be allowed to accept one vacancy.
- I want to move out of the borough. How do I do this?
Unfortunately, there are very few options for moving out of Islington. Islington only has jurisdiction on housing within our own borders. Social housing tenants can consider mutual exchange – one excellent scheme is www.homeswapper.co.uk . There are two other schemes for social housing tenants to consider:
The Mayor of London’s Seaside and Country homes scheme – this is a scheme offering housing in seaside and country locations for London tenants whose household are all over the age of 55 years. Priority is offered to downsizing tenants. Link to site Seaside and Country Homes scheme | London City Hall
HomefinderUK is an online scheme offering housing in lower demand areas – mainly in the North and Northeast of the country Link to site : Homefinder UK | Homefinder
- Can I apply to more than one council?
You can apply to any authority that has a housing register but you would need to qualify under that authority’s allocation scheme. Most Landlords like Islington have a residency criterion to join the register. In Islington one needs at least 5 years residency to be eligible. Also most other Landlords especially those in the Greater London and the Southeast of the country, like Islington, are experiencing shortages of available social housing so may not be able to assist applicants outside their own authority.
Rural areas are likely to have very little social housing and are likely to only be available to those living in the area.
- Is over 55s the same as sheltered housing?
No, although sheltered housing is mainly for applicants aged 55+. Islington also has some general housing that is designated aged 55 years+ (some blocks may be aged 50+). These homes will be allocated in the same way we allocate other housing stock – via Home Connections choice-based letting scheme. In the advertisement it will show if the property is a designated aged 55+ home.
- Are there any incentives for downsizing?
From April 2024 New Downsizing incentives:
- Only LBI tenants will be eligible for downsizing incentives – no incentives offered to housing association tenants.
- Smart Move (Mutual Exchange) both exchange partners must be LBI tenants a one-off payment of £2500 per Smartmove offered to the downsizing tenant who exchanges with an overcrowded Council tenant. (for more details tenant should discuss with mutual exchange officer)
- £1000* per bedroom released example being ( 3-bed to a 2-bed or 2-bed to a 1-bed)
- £2000* per bedroom released where all household members are over 65 and releasing 3 or more bedrooms example being (4-bed – 1-bed)
- Assistance to clear lumber (discuss with under occupation officer for details)
- Reconnection of cooker/washing machine (discuss with under occupation officer for details)
- Where appropriate extra moving in time ( agreed on individual basis with under occupation officer)
- Removals incentive up to £750
* the above incentives are subject to a clear rent account (rent arrears will be deducted from incentive and balance paid to the tenant via *BACS) and vacant possession of current home.
* Automated bank payment
For further information or queries
Housing Options
Email: rehousing@islington.gov.uk telephone: 020 7527 4140 and choose option 1 (for information on applying for housing and anything related to your housing application.)
Downsizing and mutual exchange
Email: downsizing@islington.gov.uk telephone: 020 7527 4140 and choose option 3 for information and advice on downsizing and mutual exchange including advice on homeswapper and houseexchange.
Housing association tenants are advised to contact their own Landlord regarding any incentives available for downsizing and options for mutual exchange. Although we are happy to offer general advice to residents.
Website: Finding a home | Islington Council
Tenancy issues including applying to join the household and questions succession of tenancy rights
Email homesandcommunities@islington.gov.uk
Tel 020 7527 5300