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Staying Well Event: Men's Health

Published on 27 May 2024 03:48 PM

Collage of photos from Staying Well event showing talks and audience listening

Why the focus on men's health

Perhaps it was the revelation by King Charles that he had cancer, earlier this year, that has fuelled the conversation about men's health. Following a conversation with other community organisations, it seemed the right theme for our most recent Staying Well event (morning session).

Men's health discussion

Thanks to the three men who took part in the Men's health discussion at the start of the Staying Well event. They gave really engaging talks about how their health challenges had affected them personally: emotionally, physically and also what they found helped.

This included Sean from Rehabit, Errol from Errol McKellar prostate cancer and Daniel, an attendee of the Champions For Change's boxercise programme to help manage type 2 diabetes, Thanks also to Rhys from Arsenal in the Community who brought to life their health and wellbeing programme including Shape Up and Walking Football.

Talking can really help and "don't wait until it's too late!"

Whether talking more openly about problems, or contacting a GP about any health concerns early on, one of the key messages surrounding Men's Health seems to be "don't wait until it's too late!" The act of talking to someone can be helpful in it's own right and it's often the first step to taking action to make things better. 

What else is useful

There's also lots of free checks that can help. Keeping active and managing your weight can also be hugely beneficial in both preventing and helping to manage health conditions (talk to a medical profession about how your health condition might affect your ability to be active). Women can also play an important role in keeping the men in their lives informed!

Exploring information and resources

For further Men's Health resources see below. There is also information about health checks that men (and women) are entitled to, the risk checker from Prostate Cancer UK and information about free and affordable activities and exercise programmes.

Next steps

1) Talk about any health concerns. If you have any concerns about your health, don't keep it to yourself, contact your GP. The sooner you can get a diagnosis or eliminate any worries that you might have, the better. Many of the medical conditions that affect men can be treated successfully if they are treated early.

2) Get a health check. See below to find out what health checks you're eligible for. This might include a general health check, prostate cancer check, bowel cancer check.

3) Keep up the exercise or find an exercise option that suits you and give it a try. The 'We are Undefeatable' website gives ideas of what might work if you have a specific health condition. There's lots of exercise groups in Islington that meet in parks or local community centres.

4) Go along to a group. Men's groups or other social groups can be very helpful to meet other locals. If you don't know where to start and need a helping hand, contact Age UK Islington. We can help you find what you're looking for, specifically for you.

5) Share the information and resources. The more people that know about what's out there, that everyone can benefit from, the better!

More information and resources

Men's Groups

There are a number of Men's Groups in Islington. They offer a relaxed, informal opportunity to chat, share interests or just take time out.

Men's Shed - St Luke's Community Centre, EC1V

Men's Group - Andover Community Centre, N7

Men's Group - Manor Gardens Community Centre, N7

Men's Group - Whittington Community Centre, N19

Health Checks

NHS Health Checks - If you’re aged 40 to 74 and do not have a pre-existing health condition, you should be invited to an NHS Health Check every 5 years. 

NHS London Bowel Cancer Screening - find out about bowel cancer screening in London. Bowel cancer is one of the most common cancers and screening can prevent it.

Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer UK - information about prostate checks and a Risk Checker.

Errol McKellar Foundation - prostate cancer survivor Errol McKellar MBE does incredible work to help raise awareness of prostate cancer and to encourage men to get a check.

Drinking and drugs

Alcohol Change UK - If you are worried about your drinking or even just curious, try their quick quiz to see if it's likely to be affecting your health.

Rehabit - Free counselling and peer support for those who are struggling with drugs or alcohol and who have no or limited funds.

Better Lives - Drug and alcohol support service.

Emotional health

iCope - free, confidential help for problems such as stress, anxiety, depression and insomnia.

Islington Mind - Counselling and pyschotherapy.

Stress Project - Counselling and courses

Recovery College - Co-produced recovery-focused courses for everyone 18+ in Camden and Islington.

James Place - work with men in suicidal crisis.

Healthy Eating and Managing Weight

NHS Eating Well - tips and guidance about eating healthily.

Shape Up - Arsenal's 12 week weight management programme for men.

More Life - Adult weight management service for Camden & Islington.

Stopping smoking

Breathe - Get the support that suits you best to stop smoking.

Finding exercise options, managing health conditions and joint pain

Better Leisure Centres - find your nearest Better gym, swimming pool and range of exercise classes. Free swimming is available to over 60s.

Healthy Generations - offer standing and seated exercise and remedial classes for a range of specific conditions in venues across Islington.

Islington Parks for Health - find out about what's on in your local park, from team sports, gentle walks to gardening groups.

Arsenal in the Community - offer a range of exercise programmes including Walking Football, with some tailored to specific health conditions e.g. Parkinsons and Prostate Cancer, Shape Up Weight Management programme.

Nuffield Health Joint Pain Programme - 6-month programme starting with advice and exercise sessions led by a Rehabilitation Specialist. 

Champions For Change - boxercise programme that plays an important role in helping to reduce the risk and control type 2 diabetes. (No current funding for Islington programme).

We are Undefeatable - inspiration and guidance for exercise with different health conditions.

Expert Patient Programme - a six week course to help you take control of your health.

Help to find the support that's right for you

Age UK Islington helps people (18 years+) to find and connect with the support that's helpful for them. If it's medical, contact your GP, but if you need help to find activities or exercise options, help with money worries or any other concerns about day-to-day living, please contact the Age UK Islington helpline.

Age UK Islington helpline 020 7281 6018 (Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm) or