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Feedback on Islington Fitness Week 2024

Published on 30 September 2024 05:04 PM

It was National Fitness Day in September and Age UK Islington came together with partners to offer a week of different free and affordable ways to keep active: 16 - 21 September. 

Whether dancing, doing a workout, badminton, pilates, or boxing, all were great ways to improve strength, fitness, balance, co-ordination as well as an opportunity to get to know others and try something new. 

The organisations hosting the activities as part of Islington Fitness Week were glad to see some new faces and everyone received a big welcome! Most of the activities featured run weekly, so it's not too late to give one a try.

Age UK Islington promoted a Community Safety Day together with Islington Police at Elizabeth House's regular over 50s club last month. A number of Age UK Islington clients went along including two who had attended the Healthy Minds, Healthy Bods workout as part of Islington Fitness Week only the day before.

Two ladies smiling

They were very positive about the workshop. "It was a good reminder about what we should be putting in our bodies - about the different food groups that we need, including protein and how much water we should be drinking every day. 

I found out that whilst I walk a lot to different things that I've got on in the week, it's important to walk briskly. You've got to get out of breath to give your heart and lungs a workout. Lawrence showed us lots of exercises to do can even do exercises whilst watching the TV!

He's a bubbly character that made us all feel good. All the people there were really listening to what he was saying. He told us about all the regular events that Healthy Minds Healthy Bods run, including the weekly session at Highbury Leisure Centre on Tuesday mornings."

Are you interested in finding an activity you might enjoy that can help you stay fit and mobile?

Age UK Islington works with partners who host a range of Islington Get Togethers.

For further inspiration and information about activities you can try in Islington, see the Islington Council website You can browse activities by the type of activity or do a search using the Islington Council Activity Finder. 

If you need some help to work out an activity that's right for you, or for help working out how to get to an activity, please contact Age UK Islington on 020 7281 6018 (Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm),

Community Safety Talk at Elizabeth House

Photo of lady sitting on husband's knee smiling, with plant alongside and Get Together newsletter

Another two Age UK Islington clients who attended the session at Elizabeth House Community Centre said that whilst they hadn't been to the centre for a while, they had a long history with the centre. One of the couple went to the Elizabeth House Community Centre for the first time when he was only 12 years old. The centre at this time was called the Hurlock Street Mission.

"I was a member of the Boys Brigade and they had something on nearly every day of the week.  There was a big old stove with a guard around it in the winter and we used to stand around it to keep warm.

On Monday night it was Bugle Band and that's actually where I met my wife's brother, some years later.  He  played the drum in the band.  On Tuesday night it was snooker, Thursday night was Drill night with marching, Saturday was football and on Sunday it was Bible class and we used to march up to Highbury Quadrant.

It was a big part of my life and my best mate even had his wedding party at the community centre." 

Want to know what's going on at Elizabeth House Community Centre?

There's a range of activities going on Monday to Friday at the centre. For further details, please see the Elizabeth House Community Centre website.

Or find a Community Centre near you in Islington. 

More information about the Community Safety Events

Look out for the write-up and information about the Community Safety Event following the last of three of these events run together with Islington Police. Next month, they are one of the guest speakers in Age UK Islington's Let's Talk Peer Event on Thursday 24 October 2024 - 10.30am - 2pm. Places are limited so you'll need to book:

In November the Islington Police will be speaking at Brickworks Community Centre as part of the regular Health and Wellbeing Event (details will be promoted next month).