Look out for Luana from Age UK Islington this Winter!

Published on 27 January 2022 11:42 AM
North Central London NHS are running a winter campaign from December to March to raise awareness amongst local residents of the services and support available to keep them well this winter.
As part of their campaign, they are also going to be talking about the different health professionals working with GPs and in primary care, that can help with a range of health issues. This will be promoted across the north central London boroughs from 14 February. We’re delighted that one of our Social Prescribing Link Workers, Luana, is going to be featured as one of 7 health professionals!
The campaign will promote the availability of the NHS phone number 111 and local services that enable people to self-manage their help. They are also using the campaign to continue to support and encourage people to take up the offer of a Covid-19 and flu vaccination.
A big part of their campaign is focused on encouraging residents to register with a GP practice to get support for themselves and their families for a range of health conditions. They will also be talking to people about the different ways of accessing primary care, including through telephone and video consultations, as well as reassuring residents that face-to-face appointments will continue to be available for those that need them.
Luana, who works for Age UK Islington as a Social Prescribing Link Worker was involved in the campaign, taking part in a photo-shoot, which she said was “Quite fun!”. As part of the campaign, they’ve photographed 7 clinicians from around north central London which will be shown on 50 bus stops around the area and have an estimated reach of 7.5 million people.
Social Prescribing Link Workers work with GP practices across the borough. Age UK Islington’s six Social Prescribing Link Workers work closely with GP Practices in the south and central 1 areas of Islington.
When a GP identifies a patient who is experiencing an issue that is related to their wellbeing, but not directly to do with their health, GPs can very simply refer the patient to their Age UK Islington Social Prescribing Link Worker. This could be if someone is socially isolated or are experiencing low mood, have money worries, difficulties managing at home e.g. with cooking or housework, trouble getting out and about or want help with getting into work.
The list of what Age UK Islington Social Prescribing Link Workers can help with is almost endless! It is very much acknowledged that so many elements of life, whether keeping socially connected, having enough money coming in or feeling that we’re able to manage effectively with the right support, is so important, and can impact on not just how we feel, but ultimately our health.
Patients are offered the same range of support via their Age UK Islington Social Prescribing Link Worker as they get by calling the Age UK Islington helpline on 020 7281 6018 – information and advice, access to social activities and further one-to-one help where needed.
Apart from Social Prescribing Link Workers, there are lots more health professionals who work in primary care who can help with a range of health issues. Age UK Islington also has Navigators who can provide more intensive one-to-one support where a patient would benefit. There are lots more professionals working in primary care, behind the scenes, such as nurses, social prescribers, physician’s associates and pharmacists, that the campaign will raise awareness of.
In the next edition of Age UK Islington’s newsletter, we’ll further introduce Luana and give an insight into a ‘Day in the Life of an Age UK Islington Social Prescriber!’ Don’t forget to look-out for her at bus-stops. And if there’s any that you personally are struggling with, or need help with, in your day-to-day life – whether practically, emotionally or financially, don’t forget that you can contact Age UK Islington and our team on 020 7281 6018, Mon to Fri 9am – 5pm. Our service is for Islington residents or people with a GP in Islington.
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