Fun Social Ways to Keep Active
Published on 28 July 2022 09:29 AM
If you live nearer the south of the borough there are two sports opportunities that we want to let everyone know about!
Age UK Islington has run a regular sports social in partnership with Better at Sobell Leisure Centre for some time. It's been so popular that Better has started a "sister" session in the south of the borough at Finsbury Leisure Centre. Both are for adults living in Islington (50yrs+).
For those of you who like to keep active outdoors, there's also a newly re-opened bowling green in the very fine Finsbury Square. Not every park has its own bowling green - and we have a free taster session for those who'd like to try it in September. Wherever you live in the borough, it's easy to get to (on bus routes 43, 205, 214, 271).
For more information about the lawn bowls taster session on 9 September, 11am - 12.30pm, click here.
Jim (pictured below on the right, alongside fellow attendee Paul) who regularly attends the bowling that's part of the regular Sobell Get Together, has been singing the praises of bowling and the sports Get Togethers at the Better Leisure Centres. He is a keen bowler and has bowled all over Islington.

Kevin (pictured below at another event last year) volunteers with Age UK Islington at both the Sobell and Finsbury Sports Better Get Togethers.

Islington adults 50yrs+ are welcome at both the the Sobell and Finsbury Better Sports Get Togethers click here. We look forward to seeing you there soon!
A reminder of the health benefits
A local physiotherapist reminded us recently that "simply not moving enough during the day can lead to weak muscles, which can lead to pain and other problems." This simple reflection resonates with the "We are Undefeatable" Campaign, that Age UK and other charities are involved with. This provides information and encouragement to find ways of keeping active that can work for you, even with a health condition. For more information see the We are Undefeatable website. There is a new "We are Undefeatable" TV advert that will be aired from 29th July. Look out for the campaign on billboards, digital and social media too.
If you have mobility issues, you might be interested in two seated exercise classes that we've recently discovered - Chair Assisted Yoga in Brickworks Hanley Crouch Community Centre, N4 4BY which takes place on a Friday 10.45 - 11.30am (£5) and a Gentle Seated Exercise Class (55yrs+) at New Orleans Hall Community Centre, New Orleans Estate, Hornsey Rise, N19 3FD, which takes place on Thursdays 10.30am - 11.30am. Booking Essential - Email or call 07377 002 066.
For more information
Please find links to the Age UK Islington Get Togethers, including in-person and online events, as well as special events taking place this coming month. There's a printable Get Together Activities (In-person) flyer for activities taking place in-person.
If you're struggling to find an activity that works for you, call the Age UK Islington helpline on 020 7281 6018 and we can help you to find something that works for you, together with information about how to get there.