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How to get support from Age UK Islington

Age UK Islington supports adults of all ages (16 yrs+), including unpaid carers, in complex situations or with smaller worries, from money to transport to getting out. We provide advice and we carefully connect people to expert agencies and social groups. 

For further details of how to access support from Age UK Islington, please see our Contact Us page

If you need support outside these hours, please see details of other services that you might want to contact below.

Out of Hours Support

NHS/ Police Urgent
Number 999

NHS - Non-urgent
Number: 111
Hours: 24 hours

Police - Non-urgent
Number: 101
Hours: 24 hours

For whatever you are going through.
Number: 116 123
Hours: 24 hours / 365 days per year

For younger people, whatever your worry.
Number: 0800 1111
Hours: 07:30am – 3:30pm every day

The Silver Line
Information, friendship, and advice to older people.
Number: 0800 4 70 80 90  
The Helpline operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It will continue to be available during these hours across the festive period.

Carers UK
Support and advice for carers.
Number: 0808 808 7777
Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am - 6pm

For mental health information and signposting.
Number: 0300 123 3393
Hours:9am - 6pm

Age UK - Advice Line
Number: 0800 678 1602
Hours: 8am - 7pm

Routine GP and nurse appointments, weekday evenings and all day weekends and bank holidays:

Camden & Islington NHS Emergency Mental Health Services
Number: 0800 917 3333
Hours: 24 hours / 365 days per year

Islington Council Emergency Duty Team for social care emergencies for Children, Adults or Mental Health services.

Islington Council Emergency Housing Repairs outside office hours.

Find a pharmacy - London pharmacies can treat a number of common minor conditions.

Emergency Shopping Support

If you are unable to leave your home and do not have access to the internet, you can call Morrisons or Sainsburys supermarkets to arrange for a grocery delivery.

Morrisons Telephone Order Service

Phone 0345 611 6111 (phone line open 7 days a week) and select option 5. 

Sainsburys Telephone Order Service, phone: 0800 917 8557