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1) Cost of Living help from Age UK Islington

Age UK Islington can help you to apply for benefits, engage with specialist benefits support services and debt management services. We can also help with financial hardship.  For further details, see our Age UK Islington - Cost of Living support guide.  Call our helpline on 020 7281 6018, Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm. 

2) Get further support

For details of support from local organisations in Islington, who can help with maximising your income and help with debt and other issues, see the Worrying about Money leaflet.

3) Attend a Cost of Living event

Thursday 27 March, 12.45 - 2.30pm

Elizabeth House Community Centre, 2 Hurlock St, London N5 1ED

Cost of Living Day EventOrganised by Help on Your Doorstep, Octopus Community Centres and Age UK Islington, there will be practical help and advice about energy bills, debt and other issues, with support and information to take away. Hot food and refreshments will be available, plus some give-aways and a pop-up vaccine clinic.  

No booking required, Islington residents can just come along on the day! Do share with anyone that you think would be interested in attending.

Click here for a printable poster.

4) See Cost of Living guidance

Help with energy bills, maximising your income and other help with the cost of living is available on the Age UK National website.

Martin Lewis provides useful information about what to do if you're struggling to pay your energy bills Gas, Electric & Water Guides - MoneySavingExpert 

The website also shares deals and discounts for food and toiletries  Coupons Discount Codes - MoneySavingExpert

Money Navigator tool | MoneyHelper can help identify extra help & support you’re entitled to & where you can get free advice for debt, housing or redundancy.

Credit Union low cost Saver Loans can help reduce the cost of borrowing and provide a way of moving from being a borrower to being a saver Find Your Islington | Credit Union

SHINE London offers a dedicated helpline and support to reduce utility bills, tackle energy debt and ultimately stay well and warm.

Thames WaterHelp can provide a big discount on your water bill if you qualify. 

Mobiles & Pre-payment meters: this Overpayment Calculator has the potential to help save as much as £200 on mobile phone bills

Freedom Pass 60+: Free Travel on Fridays March to May 2024
Concessionary travel for holders of 60+ Oyster and Freedom passes will return on Fridays at any time for a three-month trial period.  The trial starts at the beginning of March and, if successful, the decision will be made permanent.

5) Attend our monthly Let's Talk Peer Event

Our regular monthly Let's Talk Peer Event provides an opportunity to raise questions, hear talks from experts and share solutions. It's relaxed, friendly and social. Hosted by Team Leader - Information & Advice, Shamin Noronha who will provide a regular update each month of the support that's available.

>> For more information & to book

6) Get support from Age UK Islington

If you are struggling with the Cost of Living Crisis, Age UK Islington can help. Our helpline is the best place to start.  You can call on 020 7281 6018 or email  We also have information & advice sessions and drop-ins in venues around the borough. 

>> See our Flyer for more information

>> See the Islington Council 'Worrying About Money' leaflet for details of support from Age UK Islington and other organisations in the borough.

7) Further information from Islington Council

Find out how you can get help to manage your money with the Council here. Information includes: · Help with Council tax and rent · Maximising your income · Help to Save · Childcare costs · Energy bills · Resident Support Scheme · And more!

6) Useful contact numbers

Department of Work and Pensions - Universal Credit Enquiry Line: telephone 0800 328 5644 or for other ways of contacting them, see the webpage.

Department of Work and Pensions - Pension Credit Enquiry Line: telephone 0800 99 1234 or for other ways of contacting them, see the webpage.

Age UK Islington Helpline: 020 7281 6018 / (Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm).

Islington Carers Hub Helpline: 020 7281 6018 / 3319 (Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm).