Age UK Islington - Insight
Age UK Islington is commissioned by the NHS to deliver Navigation and Social Prescribing Link Work Services. These articles aim to give an insight into the work of the teams, distinct differences in the type of support they provide and also in who they provide this for. Also how they work alongside and with NHS teams.
The services work as part of the Age UK Islington team that offers information and guidance and one-to-one support for Islington residents struggling with day-to-day issues for adults 18 yrs+.
Please see details of how to refer to these services.
Insight - October
Reflections on the NHS Long Term Plan
Michael O'Dwyer, Head of Services - Personalised Care and Support at Age UK Islington reflects on what comes next for Social Prescribing Link Workers and Navigation Case Workers beyond the end of the NHS Long Term Plan.
Rebuilding hope, despite ill health and a lack of mobility
Age UK Islington Navigator, Jenny helped Tony who is in his late 30s to engage with support and to regain hope for the future.
Self management of health conditions
Age UK Islington Social Prescribers host information sessions together with London Met Dietician Students to help reduce the risk of health conditions
Insight - December
5 graphs showing variances between the services
Some distinct differences are clear from looking at the data - both in terms of the clients that use the Age UK Islington Social Prescribing and Navigation services and how the services differ to meet their needs.
Social Prescribers: removing the barriers to exercise
Age UK Islington Social Prescribers connect Islington residents into local activities and exercise options, usually as part of a wider package of support that they provide.
Refinding hope in Cost of Living Crisis
Amelia was referred to Age UK Islington and received support from Navigator, Rob. She was waiting for her benefits to be paid and had no money for either food or heating. (Not her real name / photo)