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Welcome to our Chatty Brews, a social gathering brought to you by Age UK Isle of Wight.

Whether you're seeking to socialise with peers, explore volunteer opportunities, or simply speak with some of our team, Chatty Brews offer a welcoming space for Age UK Isle of Wight clients, volunteers and anyone interested in our activities.

Enjoy an afternoon cuppa and chat. Each event also features a raffle, with the proceeds supporting the event's opporational costs and the Good Neighbour Scheme.

Attendance is free, with attendees responsible for paying for their own refreshments unless otherwise specified. 

Upcoming Chatty Brew Events:

9th July 2024: Chatty Brew at Parklands Cafe

Join us for July's Chatty Brew at the new Parklands Community Café in Cowes! This event, hosted by Age UK Isle of Wight, is a fantastic opportunity for older people to socialise and for those interested in volunteering or fundraising to connect with our staff, volunteers, and clients. 
Time: 2pm - 4pm
Enjoy a variety of food and refreshments available for purchase at the Community Cafe, from a simple cuppa to a filling meal. We will also be running a raffle and providing information on our services.
This drop-in event requires no booking, so feel free to stop by and join us for a chat.
More about the venue:
Address: Parklands, Park Road, Cowes, PO31 7LZ
Menu: Click here to view.



15th August 2024: Chatty Brew at Age UK Isle of Wight

In August, we will be hosting our Chatty Brew in our beautiful patio garden! Time: 2pm - 4pm
More details on refreshments and entertainment to be confirmed. Please check back later or email
Address: Age UK Isle of Wight, 147 High Street, Newport, PO30 1TY



Get involved and stay up to date with our Chatty Brews

  • Read Now

    Stay in the know with our latest news, brews and updates in this quick monthly read. Explore the highlights from our recent Chatty Brews and and what's been happening. 

    Read Now 

  • Sponsor a Chatty Brew

    Help us to keep chatting across the Island by sponsoring a Chatty Brew. From as little as donating a few packets of cake to sponsoring the entire event.

    Sponsor a Chatty Brew 

Save The Dates:

We will also be hosting Chatty Brews on the following dates:

12th September 2024: Location To Be Confirmed
9th October 2024: The Old Smithy
12th November 2024: Location To Be Confirmed
11th December 2024: Busy Bee Garden Centre

Check back soon for updates.