Save The Winter Fuel Payment for Struggling Pensioners Petition

Published on 05 September 2024 10:11 AM
Age UK Isle of Wight are campaigning against the means-testing of Winter Fuel Payment (WFP), as new estimates show that up to two million pensioners in need of assistance to stay warm this winter may be left without support.
With three quarters of older individuals already struggling to afford heating* and Ofgem’s recent announcement that the energy price cap will rise in October to £1717, this proposed change will exacerbate the challenges they face.
There are three main reasons why we oppose the policy:
1/3 of pensioners are not receiving the Pension Credit they are entitled to.
One of the main issues is that over one-third of pensioners entitled to Pension Credit, the qualifying benefit for WFP, do not currently receive it. This means that more than 800,000 older people in the UK living on very low incomes – under £218.25 a week for single pensioners and under £332.95 for couples – will not only miss out on Pension Credit but also lose the WFP that helps them pay their energy bills.
A million pensioners across the UK don’t receive the Pension Credit for which they are eligible because they simply do not claim it. The problem of low take up with Pension Credit is deeply entrenched, with about a third of all those entitled to it consistently failing to claim it over many years.
Age UK Isle of Wight are able to support Islanders to check if they are receiving all the support they are entitled to. They can be reached on (01983) 525282 if you think their Welfare Benefit Support service may help you.
1 million pensioners marginally above the credit line.
Additionally, there are around one million pensioners in the UK whose incomes are just above the Pension Credit line, who will also be severely impacted by the loss of WFP. Many of these individuals will struggle to afford heating as a result of this change.
200,000 estimated to be facing high fuel bills because of health conditions.
Finally, there is a third group who will find it extremely difficult to heat their homes adequately this winter as a result of the proposed change. These are older people whose incomes are a little higher though still limited, but who are seriously unwell so must stay warm, or who live in energy inefficient homes and so face extremely high fuel bills through no fault of their own.
It's estimated that there are 200,000 older people in the UK with high energy needs because of disability or illness, and/or who live in energy inefficient homes which cost a lot of money to heat.
The key message from Age UK Isle of Wight and the national Age UK network is “Means-testing the Winter Fuel Payment this winter, with virtually no notice and no compensatory measures to protect poor and vulnerable pensioners, is the wrong policy decision, and one that will potentially jeopardise the health of older people – the last thing pensioners or the NHS needs.”
Age UK Isle of Wight and other Age UK partners are urging the government to reconsider this damaging policy decision and protect the health and well-being of older individuals who rely on WFP. They are supporting Age UK National's petition to halt the proposed change and are just 10,000 signatures away from their target of 500,000.
If you would like to sign the petition, you can do so online at Save the Winter Fuel Payment petition! | Campaigns | Age UK or by requesting a paper copy of the petition forms by calling (01983 525282) or emailing
*’We have to take it one day at a time’: Results of Age UK’s research into the health and care of people aged 50 and over.