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Age UK Isle of Wight Awarded Quality Marque For Yet Another Year

Published on 09 July 2024 08:33 AM

This year, Age UK Isle of Wight is proud to announce that we have once again been certified with the Quality of Information and Signposting Standard (QISS) Quality Marque for the 23-24 year. This certification showcases our commitment to providing high-quality services to our clients, carers, funders, commissioners, and other services.

The QISS Quality Marque is a symbol of excellence in the field of information and signposting, demonstrating that Age UK Isle of Wight adheres to Age UK National's Quality Standards. This certification ensures that the organisation is operating at the highest standards and is dedicated to providing top-notch services to our community. From April 2023 to March 2024, we had the privilege of assisting over 1,750 Island residents with our information and advice service, making a significant impact on their lives. 

As a local and independent organisation, Age UK Isle of Wight benefits from the national insights of Age UK while maintaining responsibility for our own governance and finance, meaning all the income raised by the charity stays right here on the Island. This partnership allows us to share best practices, lobby for policy changes, and continue to provide exceptional services to those in need.

This certification is a testament to Age UK Isle of Wight's team who are dedicated to providing quality service and our commitment to serving the community with the highest standards of support.

Congratulations to all those involved for another successful year of achieving the QISS Quality Marque!

More About Our Information and Advice Services:

Our friendly team provides free, confidential, and independent information and advice on a wide range of topics that typically affect older people.Our goal is to ensure that every older person receives the support and information they need to navigate their unique challenges and improve their quality of life.

We regularly offer guidance on various subjects, including community care, wider Age UK Isle of Wight services, benefits, health services, health conditions, residential care, the cost of living, and travel, for example. If we are unable to provide the necessary assistance, we promptly refer clients to specialised experts. Last year, our referrals included internal AUKIW services (23%), Trusted Traders (8%), NHS/Health services (17%), Council, Government or Adult Social Care (10%), and other charities (37%).

What Our Support Covers:

  • Welfare Benefits: We provide advice for those over retirement age, including checking benefit entitlements and assisting with claim forms.
  • Care and Support Services: We help individuals identify and navigate appropriate care and support services, including accessing Adult Social Care for a Care Needs Assessment and understanding payment options for care.
  • Housing: We offer advice on housing issues such as property maintenance, adaptations, and housing options for those needing more support or wishing to move closer to family.
  • Money Problems: We assist those struggling to make ends meet or pay their bills.
  • Local Services: We provide information on social groups, leisure activities, tradespeople, and local transport options.

Accessing Support:

  • Telephone Advice: Available Monday to Friday from 9 am to 4:30 pm - (01983) 525282 or email
  • Office Appointments: Conducted on an appointment basis.
  • Information Guides and Factsheets
  • Home Visits: We visit older people in their homes when it is difficult to provide our services otherwise, especially for those with communication issues.
Could you help us to continue supporting older people access the information, advice and services they need.