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What to do if someone makes choices you don’t agree with

It can be hard to see someone you care about doing something that you think is bad for them. But unless there's an immediate risk, everyone has the right to live their life how they choose.

Legally, all adults have the right to make their own decisions, unless their ability to understand, remember or consider the issue is affected by things like dementia, learning disability or a mental health problem.

If you've raised your concerns clearly and calmly and the person doesn't agree or doesn't want to make changes, you must try to accept that it's their decision. Ultimately, no matter how much we care about someone, what they do with their life has to be their choice.

We know it isn't easy and you may feel powerless if it seems like someone won't let you help them. We're here if you want to talk about it.

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We offer support through our free advice line on 0800 678 1602. Lines are open 8am-7pm, 365 days a year. We also have specialist advisers at over 120 local Age UKs.

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Last updated: Jun 21 2024

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