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What to do when someone dies

When someone dies, there are certain things that have to be done. But this often comes at an incredibly difficult time when we feel least able to manage. We can help you think through what you need to do.

Immediately after someone dies

The first thing to do when someone dies depends on the circumstances of their death.

If someone dies at home and their death was expected

Call their GP practice and nearest relative (if that's not you). First, a doctor or nurse will come to verify the death. A doctor then completes their part of a medical certificate which says the cause of death. This is then sent to a medical examiner (a senior doctor) who reviews it. The medical examiner or one of their team will then speak to the nearest relative to check they understand and agree with the medical certificate. You can ask the medical examiner questions and raise any concerns you have about the death at this stage. You’ll also be given a formal notice stating that the MCCD has been signed. This notice tells you how to register the death. Then, when you feel ready to do so, you can contact a funeral director of your choice who will move the body.

If someone dies at home unexpectedly

Call 999 immediately and explain what's happened. If the cause of death is unclear or unnatural, for example as the result of an accident, or the person hadn't been seen by a doctor during their last illness, the death will need to be reported to a coroner. A coroner is a lawyer with the legal duty to investigate unexpected deaths (some coroners are also doctors). The coroner may call for a post-mortem examination to determine the cause of death. This may take some time, so the funeral may need to be delayed. You cannot refuse the examination, but you can tell them if you need to arrange the funeral quickly for faith reasons.

When someone dies unexpectedly, the police will also be called to do a routine visit. They'll ask questions about the circumstances of the death which may be used to help the coroner to understand the cause of death. This can be unsettling but it's important to remember that it's normal procedure in these circumstances.  

If someone dies in hospital

The hospital will explain the steps you need to take. After the death has been verified by a first doctor or nurse, the cause of death will then usually be checked by the medical examiner, who will then issue an MCCD and formal notice will be issued directly to the registrar. 

The body will usually be kept in the hospital mortuary until the relatives arrange for it to be taken to the funeral director's premises or taken home. If an MCCD can’t be issued, the hospital will refer the death to the coroner.

If someone dies abroad

If someone dies abroad, you should register the death according to the regulations of the country. A local death certificate can usually be used in the UK. However, if it's not in English, you'll probably need to get a certified translation if you're dealing with the person's affairs. You might also choose to register the death with UK authorities. To do this, contact the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO). You can call them on 020 7008 5000.

Find out more about what to do after a British national dies abroad on GOV.UK

Register the death

The medical examiner or coroner provides the cause of death to the registrar of births, marriages and deaths. You must then register the death with the registrar within 5 days, unless an inquest is required.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to register a death:

Step 1: Find a register office

You can go to any register office to register a death, but it's best to use one in the area where the person died because then you'll be given the documents you need that day. If you go to an office in a different area, there'll be a delay before you get the documents. Wherever you go, most offices require you to make an appointment, so it's best to phone in advance to check. 

Find a register office on GOV.UK

Step 2: Get the information ready

You'll have to show – or tell – the registrar:

  • the date and place of death
  • the full name of the person who's died (and any other names they once had, such as a maiden name)
  • their date and place of birth
  • their usual address
  • their date and place of birth (if this was outside the UK, you only need to give the country)
  • their most recent occupation and if they'd retired
  • whether or not they were receiving any benefits, including State Pension
  • the name, occupation, and date of birth of their spouse or civil partner, if they had one (even if their spouse or civil partner has already died).

If possible, you could also take the person’s:

  • birth certificate
  • medical card or NHS number
  • passport
  • marriage or civil partnership certificate
  • driving licence
  • proof of their address (on an electricity bill, for example).

Step 3: What you'll get

When you've provided the required information, the registrar will give you:

  • a certificate for burial or cremation (known as a 'Green Form')
  • a unique code, so that you can use the Tell Us Once service
  • a death certificate, which you need to pay for. This is a certified copy of what’s recorded in the death register and you need it to deal with the person’s estate, including their finances or property.

Find out more about dealing with someone's estate

Step 4: Get extra certificates

It can be a good idea to pay for some extra copies of the death certificate, as you might need them when you're sorting out the estate of the person who's died. Ordinary photocopies aren’t accepted by some organisations, such as banks or life insurance companies.

Step 5: Update records

As mentioned above, the Tell Us Once service can be used to report a death to several government departments in one go. The service is offered by most local councils. When you register a death, the registrar will explain the Tell Us Once service and either help you use it or give you a unique reference number so you can use the service yourself. You can use the service over the phone by calling 0800 085 7308 or you can use the service online on GOV.UK. 

Access the online Tell Us Once service on GOV.UK

Tell organisations and government services about the death

When someone dies, you must get in touch with certain organisations to let them know as soon as possible. If it's available in your area, you can use the Tell Us Once service to contact several government departments about the death in one go, including:

  • local services such as libraries, electoral services and Council Tax services
  • HM Passport Office
  • the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA)
  • the Department for Work and Pensions
  • the Blue badge scheme
  • HMRC for tax purposes. 

You'll need to return the person's driver's licence to the DVLA and their passport to HM Passport Office.

If your local council doesn't offer the Tell Us Once service, you'll need to contact these departments yourself. 

You should contact other organisations as well, such as:

  • personal or occupational pension scheme providers
  • insurance companies
  • banks and building societies
  • an employer or trade union
  • a mortgage provider, private landlord, housing association or council housing office
  • social services, if the person received community care
  • utility companies
  • their GP, dentist, optician and anyone else providing medical care
  • any charities, organisations or magazine subscriptions the deceased person made regular payments to.

You can register the name and address of the person who's died with the Bereavement Register. This removes their details from mailing lists and stops most advertising mail. You can either register over the phone by calling 0800 082 1230 (the 24-hour automated registration line) or online on their website.

Register the person who's died on the Bereavement Register

If the person who died had a lasting or enduring power of attorney

If the person who died had a lasting or enduring power of attorney, this automatically ends when they die. The attorney should get in touch with the Office of the Public Guardian and send them the power of attorney document, any certified copies and a copy of the death certificate.

The Office of the Public Guardian's address is as follows:

Office of the Public Guardian
PO Box 16185
B2 2WH

Arrange a funeral

The person who died may have left funeral instructions in their will or a letter of wishes.

They may also have taken out a pre-paid funeral plan. This usually means that all the arrangements for burial or cremation have already been decided and paid for. The documents will tell you which funeral director to contact.

However, if there aren’t any clear wishes, the executor of the will or nearest relative will usually decide if the body will be cremated or buried and what type of funeral will take place.

Arranging a funeral with a funeral director 

Before getting started with a funeral director, you should check that the funeral directors you talk to are registered with either the National Association of Funeral Directors or the National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors (or both). 

Funeral director fees vary considerably, so it’s a good idea to ask a few how much they’d charge for the funeral you want.

Funeral directors have to provide a standardised price list so that you can compare costs between them. Ask for an itemised quote which includes:

  • the funeral director’s services
  • the price of individual items, such as a coffin
  • transfer of the body from the place of death
  • care of the body before the funeral
  • a hearse to the nearest crematorium or cemetery
  • all necessary arrangements and paperwork.

There may be extra fees for third parties such as the crematorium and clergy – known as funeral disbursement costs – to be paid upfront. You should ask them to explain these charges to you. 

The funeral director will make sure that both you and other professionals, such as the person's doctor, complete all the necessary forms. There's a charge for some of these forms – the funeral director will pay this and then include it in your fee. 

Arranging a funeral without a funeral director

You don’t have to use a funeral director – you can have a ‘do-it-yourself’ funeral. These involve more organising, but they can be less expensive and more personal. This type of funeral often takes place when someone has planned it for themselves before their death.

If you want to arrange a funeral in your local cemetery or crematorium, contact your local council for advice.

Find your local council

You just need your postcode to get started.

Paying for a funeral

Arranging a funeral can be expensive as well as stressful. If you arrange the funeral, you're responsible for paying the bill – so check first where the money will come from.

The funeral can be paid for by:

  • you or other family members or friends
  • a lump sum from a life insurance policy or pension scheme the person paid into
  • a pre-paid funeral plan the person took out
  • the person’s estate (any money, property or assets they left) – funeral costs take precedence over most other debts
  • money the person had in a bank or building society, although they don’t have to release the money until probate is granted. If there’s a delay, you may need to pay the costs in the meantime.

What if I need help with funeral costs?

If you're responsible for arranging the funeral and you're on a low income, you may be eligible for a Funeral Expenses Payment from the Department of Work and Pensions to help cover costs.

A Funeral Expenses Payment covers the cost of a simple, respectful funeral in the UK, including up to £1,000 towards things like the coffin and flowers. 

There are strict rules about who can get help and how much you'll receive. For example, you must be claiming Pension Credit or certain other means-tested benefits, and you must have had a close relationship with the person who died, such as being a family member or partner. 

The DWP can refuse an application from a close relative or friend if they consider that someone else could arrange and pay for the funeral. You must claim within 6 months of the funeral. 

Find out more about Funeral Expenses Payments

If you don’t qualify for a Funeral Expenses Payment – or it doesn’t cover the full costs of the funeral – you may be able to get a Budgeting Loan or a Budgeting Advance. These are interest-free loans of between £100 and £812 that you repay out of your benefit payments over time.

Find out more about Budgeting Loans and Budgeting Advances

The council (or some hospitals, if the person died there) can arrange a public health funeral if:

  • there’s no money for a funeral
  • there’s no one willing or able to pay for it
  • the Funeral Expenses Payment doesn’t cover the whole cost and paying the balance would leave you in debt.

Deal with the estate

What you need to do to deal with the estate – the money, property and possessions – of the person who's died depends on whether they made a valid will and, if they did, whether you're named as an executor in that will. 

If they did make a valid will and you've been appointed as an excecutor, then you'll need to apply for a grant of probate to deal with the estate. Probate is the legal process of distributing someone's estate after they die.

Find out more about dealing with the estate

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Last updated: Feb 03 2025

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